24| Dead Man Walking

Start from the beginning

"Come with me," I beckon to Hadrian to follow me and immediately start to knock on Alexi's door.

"I-I told you to go away Hadrian," Alexi softly whimpers.

"It's me."

"Alek, same applies for you."

"You have five seconds or I'll break the door you know I will."

"Alek," Dimitri whisper shouts at me.

"What?" I ask confused by his behaviour.

"You can't just say that."

Of course I can. What is Alexi is injured? What if his head has been hit? I'd rather hurt his feelings for a few seconds then lose him forever. Dimitri is suspiciously growing softer by the day, not that he wasn't always pretty emotionally.

"I can." Shuffling from inside Alexi's room puts us on high alert. "Hadrian needs to check him."

The next thing I know the door creaks open and Alexi sticks his head out. Vivid purple and blue bruises cover his skin. We follow him inside as he plonks himself onto the bed. Not a second longer Hadrian hurries over to check Alexi.  He doesn't look us in the eye, not even once.

"Lexi I'm going to ask once, who did it?"

His eyes are puffy and red from the endless tears drowning his face. This can't be fucking happening. I promised to look after him. Remnants of the new makeup look he was excited to try out are clear as day; inky messy mascara marks his face like someone playing around with a quill pen, glitter eyeshadow is smudged all over and the new lip stain spills out of his lips.

Alexi's breath trembles slightly as he answers, "Some guys outside of the club, I don't know them."

Dimitri jumps in, " They could be the people threatening us."

"No they had a reason for attacking and it wasn't that," Alexi adds, his body continuing to shake.

"What?" I ask.

"I was wearing some glitter Alek, it wasn't even that much."

The glitter. It was a minuscule dot of glitter on his eyes. Nothing too wild. He asked me beforehand if it looked okay. If I had said no would this have still happened. But why should he have to accommodate for other people? For their childish behaviour should he have to change himself. No, he shouldn't. That's not what I had taught him.

Sadly this is the world we live in. People like that should fuck off and shrivel up in their tiny pathetic holes.

"I thought you were with Martin," I mention, nearly forgetting that weasel.

"He ran. "

I'm more than fuming. I swear that a nerve just snapped in my mind. That little rat has had far too many chances from Lexi. Time and time again, he has proved how pathetic he is but this action puts him right at the top of my hit list.

The attackers will suffer. Martin will suffer. I'm going to make sure they beg for death. Revenge is somewhat programmed in my brain.

"Alek, where are you going?" Dimitri immediately questions as I stand up ready to leave.

"I'm going to make them pay," I announce, a small gasp escaping Lexi.

My legs move on their own. I've been careless. Recklessly behaving like a love struck fool. My attention has shifted and that's a dangerous behaviour in our world.

Alexi chases after me, "Alek, just have someone put them in the cells. Don't do anything drastic."

"The cells are overflowing," Dimitri mentions, mumbling the second half. "I swear I'm one step away from killing that annoying couple that arrived hours ago."

I ignore it. I'll make space even if I have to lock them in a spare bathroom. I actually rush towards the door, my anger boiling deep in my veins. He didn't deserve it but they do.

Like the overdramatic person he is, Alexi throws himself at me. Not taking into regard his own injuries.

" I need you here please," Alexi almost begs me.

In my mind, the right decision was clear as day. Sometimes we don't pick the logical choice, we let our emotions overpower. I hope I don't live to regret the one I make.

This was such a difficult chapter but something that definitely needs more awareness!! Everyone should be free to be themselves.

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