"Like the newest addition to the group? Other than dear Bakugo of course." He chuckled as a portal formed near his feet. In one swift movement, he dropped Eimi into the portal, which earned a gasp from Shoto before he growled. 

Before we could do anything to also get into that portal, it vanished from our sight. It was now that the first mask villain was checking his pockets only to stop a question why his hands were empty.

"I figured your quirk must have something to do with these marbles, right?" Shoji spoke up while holding two blue-tinged marbles in his hand. "So these have to be Tokoyami and Bakugo, right?"

"You rescued them!" I almost cried in relief before the masked villain laughed.

"Colour me impressed. Just as I'd expect from someone with so many hands."

"Nice going, Shoji!" Shoto yelled out as he tried to distract the weird masked villain with more ice. We all started to run with the marbles but were cut off by a dead end. I looked back to see if we were getting chased and only paused as I saw no one was moving. I then watched as the black-haired one was about to let out an attack but the first masked villain held out his arm.

It was then when the masked villain slightly moved his mask up to reveal two marbles in his mouth. My eyes widen and as soon as they did, the two marbles that Shoji was holding turned back to normal only to release chunks of Shoto's ice.

"He still has them!" Shoji sighed in frustration and I could only grind my teeth together.

"A magician never has just one trick, foolish kids." 

Shoto's POV

It was at this moment that we all charged at the villains in front of us. We would try anything if it meant saving our classmates that we could see. As we ran forward, the portal appeared again, yet bigger and not on the ground.

"Bye bye, hope to see you soooon!" The blonde villain called out to us as her and the others started walking through the portal. I shot some ice and managed to hit the villain's hand which was holding the marbled Tokoyami and Bakugo. They flew out of his hands and me and Shoji jumped forward to grab them.

I looked to the side to see that Shoji was successfully able to grab one of the marbles so that left the other to me. As I was just about to get the marble in my grasp, a hand came out of nowhere and grabbed it instead.

"Poor little Shoto Todoroki." The raven-haired villain chuckled as I felt my body fall past him in slow motion. I got up as soon as I could only to watch as the villain started to disappear into the portal. Right when he was doing so, the marble expanded to reveal that the one he grabbed was Bakugo.

His face was shocked and slightly scared. His sharp red, glaring eyes full of panic rather that anger.

"Kacchan!" Izuku screamed as he ran faster to where we were. I still tried to reach out and grab him but my efforts were in vain as the villain and Bakugo sunk into the portal before it vanished.

I could only stare as where the portal was before I looked down at my hand. I was so close to getting him yet I wasn't close enough. Dammit! It was then when I heard a bloodcurdling scream and I looked back to see Izuku screaming into the ground with tears running down his face.

I got up to go over to him and before I even got to him my vision started to get blurry because I realized that they also have Eimi. I'm glad we were able to get Tokoyami back, but the damage that was done was too much for us to handle. I stumbled over to Izuku before starting to rub his back. 

Tokoyami and Shoji then came over and shielded us from oncoming people as well as trying to calm us down. We both just lost two people who were important to us, and even if I didn't like Bakugo that much, he still made Eimi happy which in turn made me happy, so it still hurt like a stab to the heart.

Shoto's Twin SisterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant