14| Psycho Ex

Começar do início

I've never been this gentle in my life, oh my lord what's happening to me.

My angel seems to be thoroughly enjoying himself as my light touches make him release an unexpected shudder. Clearly, I affect him just as much as he affects me. I position myself and whisper into his ear, fighting the temptation to suck.

"I don't doubt it." 

My boy snaps out of his daze but doesn't mention or look at my hand. It's insane that I feel jealous of his head for holding all his thoughts. Something that I desperately want to hear.

Instead, he chooses to lean into a different topic, "Who is this person and how do you know them?"

Straight to the point like always. I'm probably jumping the gun but he would make a perfect Donna. Strong and fearless.

I could easily lie to him. It's no one important, so it wouldn't matter. But why did the thought of lying to the boy before me seem impossible?

"Angel, I slept with this person once and now he's obsessed," I complain to him. My tone betrays me. It's almost as if I'm wishing he'll fix my problem with a snap of his fingers. Maybe my beauty will sympathise with my difficult situation.

Unfortunately, I don't get the response I'm looking for. He slightly backs away from me, before ranting, "I'm having a serious problem. All you're doing is being self-obsessed!"

"It's true," I confirm in a whiny voice.

I'm in shock that my angel doesn't believe me.

"I don't believe you."

I just stare at him, maybe he'll change his mind. Almost as if I want my eyes to show him the truth.

His walls eventually fall as he admits defeat. "Ok let's say I entertain this so-called idea that he's obsessed with you. What has it got to do with me?"

"He sees you as a threat sweetness," I reveal Adrian's clear as day motive.

"From what?" He innocently questions, completely unaware of the sparks he's causing in this big city.

I point to him and then to myself, repeating it a few times. Something clicks in his head as a look of annoyance takes over.

"Nah, it's never happening. Tell your psycho ex that."

My angel seems pretty convinced that we can only remain acquaintances. We would be such a power couple.

"First of never say never. Secondly, me and Adrian never dated."

"I don't get why he's targeting me. I've literally met you once before today," he reminds me in the sassiest tone known to mankind.

"I deal with it on a daily basis," I remind him.
"Poor you."

I put my hand on my heart, faking pain. At this point I'm simply exaggerating the fact his words hurt me.

He laughs at me in return as he questions, "Wait a minute. Was it the blond that kept questioning me?"


"No wonder he's hurt! His is ex moving on," he teases me, not realising the words leaving his mouth. At least he somewhat acknowledges there's something between us.

"You really like winding me up, don't you," I point out as the corners of his mouth quirk up. The biggest smile graces his lips as he responds.

"It certainly is entertaining."

My reply is simple, something I would desperately love to do. "I could entertain you in other ways."

Angelo turns a bright vivid red. Completely resembling a strawberry. The boldest, fiercest and juiciest shade of them all. Three things he definitely is.

At this point, my feisty angel has abruptly covered my mouth with his hands. These small actions really light me up inside. His cuteness is something pure and lovely.

In my mind pushing him away seems like repulsive act. I choose to allow him to do whatever he pleases with me. I'm merely a slave to his master. Instead, I give him a loving kiss right on the centre of his hands.

Moving his hands away, he shyly mutters a adorable, " Shut up."

I don't forget the red on his cheeks. It's almost like his face has been dyed the colour. Someone's feeling really hot for me. I probably make him shy or even stir up some deeper desire. It's something he really does for me so effortlessly.

"Ok, I'll deal with him so don't worry," I reassure him, hoping he listens for once.

"Give me your phone," my angel demands confidently.

I hand it over without hesitation, " Why?"

He types something into my phone then miscehiously smirks at me. Before I realise, he forcefully hands my phone over, hastily running towards the door. A prominent blush covering the tip of his ears. It's almost as if all the blood in his body has rushed to his face.

As he walks away I hear him speak, it's almost a whisper. If I didn't have great hearing I would've missed it.

"Call me when you confront your psycho ex. I want to be there. Oh and remember to give me regular updates."

My brain can not function.

My tongue isn't working, no words are coming out.

My heart is beating so fast I think it's broken.

This sweet, sweet boy, has me doing somersaults through loops of uncontrollable fire. I didn't mind one bit.

For him, I'll see that annoying brat one more time. There's now an added bonus of seeing my angel again.

Phone number secured!!

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Angel and his Mafia DonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora