16 | Never Wink at Me

Start from the beginning

"I've worked here for two weeks, Rick." I laugh light hearted with his grumbling old man laugh echoing through the Cafe's white noise.

"Ah I guess so. Watcha want Kiddo?" He pats my right shoulder like a grandfather would.

"My friends said they wanted to use the breakroom to run some lines, one of them does acting you know. But something came up at the house and they can't do it there. I know it's a lot to ask, so you don't have to, it's really not a big deal-" I kind of ramble until he stops  me.

"Of course Doll. Just try not to be two loud, it's about time for you to head out anyway, you can cut it short. Hang with them in the break room. Your friends are friends of mine." He pats me one last time smiling with his big ol' tooth gap before heading towards the blenders without even giving me time to thank him. Gosh he's my favorite man on this island. "Thanks, Ricky." I say to his retreating back to which I get a thumbs up in the air.

Finally returning to the insanity that is my friend group at the register there is a bicker match between Addy and Toby, Wyatt's anti-social attempts to ward off the random girls coming up to him, and Darien and Tate's actually pleasant conversations about how beneficial smoothie bowls are.

Smacking my hand down lightly onto the counter to get everyone's attention I nod my head over to the break room doors. "Come on, you're lucky I'm Rick's favorite."

"Hell yeah!" Toby pumps a fist in the air with a yell loud enough to get some questioning stares.

To that Wyatt smacks him in the arm. Not even playfully, more like he was accusing him. "Are you trying to get her fired, dib shit? Keep your voice down."


"Nunca quise hacerte daño, mi amor. Eres todo para mí, no puedo sobrevivir a un mundo sin ti. Yo- Yo te amo. Vuelve a casa, te lo ruego." Toby paced around the room as a national star pleading with his hometown sweetheart for his next novella. (Translation: "I never meant to hurt you, my love. You are everything to me, I can't survive a world without you. I- I do love you. Come home, I beg you.")

Why he is going to audition for such a  role? I have no clue. But you know he locked the break room 20 minutes ago, there is no escape to this hell-hole.

To say everyone was complaining would be an understatement. I'm pretty sure that Wyatt has threatened suicide and murder for every passing minute. He seemed to be able to go into grave detail as well, a great variety on how each would be. No similar techniques to the last one. I'll give him props I'm impressed and disturbed. I will be locking my bedroom door to the bathroom now though.

"Es fácil para ti decirlo, hiciste que irte pareciera tan fácil como un pato comiendo chuletas de cordero en la mañana de Navidad en un martes borracho con tu espeluznante tío." I fumble, stutter, and completely butcher my Spanish in response as I look down at the white script I was given. (Translation: "Easy for you to say, you made leaving seem as easy as a duck eating lamb chops on Christmas morning, on a drunken Tuesday with your creepy uncle.")

I can barely read half of the words for my lines, because Toby's way to fucking heavy handed on highlighters. Besides his annotations suck. Literally have of them are the following: BITCHHH, OH SHIT, BE DRAMATIC.

"I know you probably don't want to hear my opinion-" Wyatt starts amusingly from his plastic chair near the microwave. Tapping a finger on the cheap plastic desk, just like he has been doing ever since his phone died. And it has admittedly made me want to pull my hair out on multiple occasions. If your shocked I haven't threatened him, don't be. I obviously did. I just think he would genuinely appreciate it if I put him out of his misery of being locked in this room with us if I quoted "Cut of each of your fingers, shove them down your throat until you gag, and then make you clean it up with one-ply toilet paper as you bleed to death."

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