"How? I mean, I just found out eight weeks ago. How is that even possible?" Annika asks while the doctor laughs.

I wouldn't have imagined that either, she does have a small bump, maybe she didn't know she was thirteen weeks.

"That often happens, dear. You don't start getting symptoms till a certain time, some women don't even they're pregnant after five months." Annika seems relived so does Jacob.

"What about the baby?" Jacob asks besides Annika holding her hand. "Anything to worry about?"

"Since she's thirteen weeks, we can detect the baby's heartbeat. I'm about to do an ultrasound." She tells Annika and she nods.

This is kind of weird, basically third-wheeling except for the fact that I'm at the doctor's office checking over another girl's stomach. It even sounds weird, but I love the fact that Jacob is excited.

"Just lay back and relax, honey. No need to worry."

Annika lifts her top and the doctor adds some cool jelly on her belly to then rub it in all while explaining what she's doing next.

She grabs a transducer from the machine and runs it along her stomach. The screen shows it, it's not a sack but an actual creature.

Oh god, this is real.

"We are actually having a little human," Jacob muttered, not taking his eyes off the screen as he's smiling.

I look over at Annika and see that she has a tear rolling down her right eye. I can't imagine the feeling of having someone growing inside of you, it must feel amazing knowing that you'll love that kid.

"That's your baby's heartbeat," The silence in the room is soon filled by a loud and fast thumping sound.

It's the baby's heartbeat meaning it is alive and it's excited.

"When can we know the gender?" Jacob asks, looking at the doctor with a smile on his lips, he's happy and that's all that matters.

"Until she's about twenty weeks." He nods looking back at Annika with a genuine smile.

After a few more minutes, the doctor prescribed Annika some pills that would help with morning sickness. I'm not one to talk since I've never been pregnant. I don't know what it feels like nor want to, I'll probably never get pregnant unless I get married- but that's not happening any time soon, I guess I'm stuck with Dom.

Whenever I think about a future with Dom I just don't see it.

'Where do I pick you up? I'm on my way.' I get a message from Chase.

I texted him earlier, letting him know that I wasn't going to be home so he could pick me up here, that way we save a few minutes into that drive. I tell him where to wait for me and put my phone away.

"Okay, well, I'll get going. See you later?" I ask Jacob and he nods.

"Thank you for being here," Annika says to me to.

I smile and nod. I walked outside and look around till I spot Chase standing outside of his car with an arrogant smirk.

"You look good," he speaks opening my door and I climb in but not before I roll my eyes at his comment.

My chest is beating so hard is that even possible. He gets in and we drive off.

"Why were you on a pregnancy clinic?" He suddenly asks, I turn my attention to him seeing him gripping into the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles are ghostly white. "Are you-"

I cut him off before he can continue. "I'm not, what the fuck? I am only sixteen, Chase."

He seems to be relieved because he lets out a deep breath. Did he really think that I could be pregnant? Just the thought of that makes me shiver. I can't imagine myself being pregnant, I can barely love myself let alone love a whole other human.

"Sorry, I just thought-"

"Well, you thought wrong." I said sternly which made him stay quiet.

He turns on the radio which is playing 'Should I stay or should I go' by The Clash.

"Let's play twenty-one questions," He states rather than a question. Before I have time to answer he interrupted me. "I'll go first, what's your favorite tv show?"

"Criminal Minds, yours?"

"Skins." That catches my attention.

"Never heard of that." I say and I hear him scoff.

"Not into classics I see." I ignore him and he proceeds to ask me a question.

"What's you're biggest regret?"

That took a turn

"I don't know, haven't had one yet." I lied. "Dream job?"

"Haven't thought of one, I guess it's because my father is forcing me to continue into the family's footsteps:being a lawyer." He never mention his father being a lawyer but okay. I guess I'm learning about him after all. "What was your first kiss like?"

"Full of emotions." I answered way too quickly.

"Who was your first kiss?" He asks again.

"Well, wasn't that another question? You have to wait for your turn, those are the rules." I say, looking out the window.

"I don't recall adding rules." Chase chuckled.

"That's how twenty-one questions work."I state.
"Weirdest dream?"

"I don't know, who was your first kiss?" He quickly answers.

Is he that eager to know? I mean, why does he care?

I sigh and give in. "Dom Reid, my ex-boyfriend."

He scoffed. "When did you even date the guy?"

Once again why does he care?

"The eight grade," I let out a chuckle remembering the time Dom was too shy to ask me out but he did anyway.

Chase doesn't seem to find amusement in that because his jaw is clenching, bipolar much?

"How old is he- or was- when you guys started dating?"

"He was fifteen or sixteen." I don't know why I'm telling Chase about my past relationship, but I figured if I do maybe when I tell him later he will be less tense.

"Isn't that grooming?"

That is exactly why I never wanted to tell nobody, they would think just what Chase is thinking.

"No, because I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. At the time I didn't care about anything, I just wanted to be with him. So no, you can't say I was a victim when I knew the consequences."

He scoffs letting a dry laugh, what's his problem?

"Maybe you were just manipulated into thinking that." He muttered under his breath.

"I was not, Chase, trust me. He never did anything that didn't make me feel comfortable, and even before we started dating he was and still is my best friend. Got it now? Dro it." I sternly said.

"Whatever you say, princess." He says focused on the road as I glare at him.

I lean into my seat more sending one last glance at Chase at which he returns before turning up the radio.

This is going to be a long car ride.


A/N: HEYYYYY, long chapter I know but I hope you guys enjoy this and let me know what you thought of it! Don't forget to vote. Not only will you he helping me out but other amazing book creators when you read their stories.🤍

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