02: Paris, Pasts and Weddings

Start from the beginning

"Finally!" I exclaimed, "Where were you?"

"Don't ask, Devin was having a little crisis." Ronnie laughed, "It's all good, and we picked up the guys too so we wouldn't have to wait." She said, as the groomsmen and Cameron started to pull eachother out of the car. That looks really cramped and I have no idea how they fit everyone in there.

Cameron immediately pulled Devin out of the car and pecked a little kiss on her lips. Devin's twin brother, Dylan stared at them in disgust.

"We're literally getting married, Dylan. Calm down." Cameron protested as everyone including me started giggling at the reaction.

"Still doesn't make it any less weirder. I'm three minutes older you know," Dylan pointed out, "I'm watching you both," He said pointed two fingers at his eyes and then at the couple. "Don't do anything you'll regret, Cam."

"Shut up, Dylan. Three minutes does not give you the right to play overprotective brother, especially when your sister is literally kissing her fiancée." Devin glared, jokingly and then using the same energy as Dylan's gesture, she flipped him off. I snorted, and then pulled her into a hug. As soon as Devin went on to hug the others, I patted Dylan's shoulder as a gesture of both "At least you gave it a shot," and "Stop trying, it's a bit late now."

"Ladies," Cameron started introducing the groomsmen to Zaara and I, "If you've somehow gotten amnesia over the years and forgotten how everyone looks, this one is Luca." He mentioned, pointing to Luca,—whom we'd all known since high school—a handsome dark-haired and dusky-skinned man, who gave Cameron a confused look for introducing him. All of us all met during our high school years, going in and out of each other's houses and all.

"We all remember each other, Cam. It hasn't been that long." Dylan notified.

"And obviously, you know Dylan." Cameron zoomed across quickly, as Dylan gave a confused look to Cameron for introducing him so badly.

"Where's Tristan?" Cameron looked disappointed, as my expression suddenly perked up into confusion. Tristan? Of all the guys in the world, Tristan was one of the groomsmen? I thought to myself. "He said he'd be here. He's the Best Man after all."

The Best Man? Are you kidding me? I really thought Cameron and Tristan might have fallen apart after high-school, and for him to be the Best Man, or even deeply involved in the wedding, was an utter surprise. 


Where would I even begin to explain the epically disastrous phenomena that is Tristan? 

Tristan was the most irresponsible and insufferable person I knew. 

Tristan had somehow managed to absolutely destroy his first impression towards me when he came off as the paragon of the type of guys I hated. Too flirtatious, too reckless, too untrustworthy.

Tristan and I had a complicated relationship, to say the least, meaning he never hesitated to make my life a living hell and I always hesitated to be the bigger person, and fall into his snares of irritation and arguments. 

I never understood why he acted that way and why I acted that way, but for all of the two years I had known him back in high school, that's exactly how it was. Of course, that was in high-school, so all my hopes were centered around him getting smacked in the head with some sense of maturity, in contrast to then.

"He says he's running a bit late." Luca said, "Aw come on Cam, don't be disappointed. That's just how Tristan is, you know him." Oh and boy did I know him. It's like he never has a plan. It's like life follows whatever Tristan ends up doing at the moment, and then adjusts itself to fit into accordance with the rest of us.

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