02: Paris, Pasts and Weddings

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At this specific moment, I felt like I was about to spontaneously combust. Stress and I did not work well together, yet it happened to be my most prominent company.

"Devin likes lilies! I specifically asked you to get lilies, Lilith." I explained to Lana, the wedding florist. "Roses were never on the list."

"Roses would look the best in this lighting." Lilith argued further, giving me unnecessary advice with a glare, as I ran my hands through my hair and walked through the hall. "I didn't have any lilies in stock, Maia. It's impossible to get them during this wedding season."

Zaara ran around the tables towards me with a palm over her cellphone, "I've got another florist on the line, he may not be as good as Lilith, but at least he says he has lilies." I nodded, evaluating my options.

Devin, one of my best-friends, was getting married the day after tomorrow, and fortunately and unfortunately, I was one of the bridesmaids along with my two other best-friends, Zaara and Ronnie. We were a pretty dysfunctional trio to say the least, and even though we had gotten everything sorted, something always seems to go wrong last minute and the flowers were our biggest problem at the moment. Everything was supposed to be done before the get-together with family and friends tomorrow afternoon, the latest being the rehearsal dinner in the evening.

"Shouldn't we ask Devin once, just to see what she thinks about this?" Zaara asked, knowing Devin didn't like to complicate things. I knew it was only a matter of flowers, but I just wanted everything to go well for her, and that means she deserved the flowers she liked, to begin with. Nevertheless, I agreed. "Also we're going out for dinner and drinks in an hour, and the guys are joining us." Zaara elaborated in excitement, and I made a face at the declaration.

"Oh come on, we're in Paris, for god's sakes! It's a destination wedding, don't you want to have fun?" She gave me a look, and then started pleading, talking a thousand please's per minute.

"Going out isn't the problem, I just wanted it to be us." I answered, rolling my eyes, not interested in making forced conversation with the groomsmen, and then watching them wander off. "We literally arrived yesterday and I haven't even had a chance to talk to Cameron's friends."

"Oh god, you've known them since forever!" Zaara let out a groan, "You'll be fine you socially-anxious idiot. Stop worrying." She grabbed my arm, and started pulling me out of the hall, rubbing it for comfort. "Who knows? You might even have some fun." I slightly laughed at her attempt to persuade me.


I chose a simple, black off-shoulder, cocktail dress, which felt a little short to wear on the breezy streets of Paris. My legs were freezing.

We were standing in-front of the restaurant that Devin asked to wait near. The most beautiful tune was spilling out of a singer in a nearby cafè, and at that moment I looked to the sights around me. The Eiffel Tower was literally towering over all the other buildings, making it a very strategic area to place fancy restaurants such as these, considering the view. The buildings looked so architecturally beautiful and rustic, making my inner history and art buff almost squeal at the views. I wanted to know everything about every brick laid here, every story behind the walls. I longed for the tales and conversations that bustled through each corner.

"Maia, you okay? You look a bit dazed." Zaara asked, checking in as I nodded with a laugh.

"Just a bit awestruck." I explained, "Don't get too much excitement back home, especially things that interest me. This feels like a dream."

"It's weird to see you like this." Zaara admitted, "It's a nice change though, reminds me of the 'old' you." She smiled and I nodded, feeling my smile slightly waver. I brushed it off as soon as Ronnie stepped in front of me, practically jumping into a hug.

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