A Destiny of Darkness

Start from the beginning

"He knows the palace better than any of us," Yusuf adds. "A tour guide is what we will require. Both for plotting attacks before we enter Keva's domain and while we are inside that hellfire." 

"We understand the policy of the 'no vote,'" I bring forth. "Both Alpha Emmitt and Yusuf are against entering the grounds of Eternal Shadows without River there. I agree with them." 

I notice Finley just barely roll his eyes. Finch mimics Finley, the two of them in disagreement and knowing full well the relationship I had with River in the beginning has still continued. I only hope their professionalism in these volatile times will keep the word from getting out. I know what Alpha Yusuf had told me, for not only does he know what relationship and position River will take in the kingdom when I sit on the throne, but he knows the bloodline of River. Alpha Yusuf showed me trust and loyalty that day when he came to a conclusion of silence. Yet loyalty is not something I should expect from Finch or Finley. 

"So we will wait for Sleeping Beauty," Finley mocks, rising to his feet as he makes his way for the doorway of the hearth room. Just as he is to open the dark wooden door, it flies open, a mage standing in the center. Declan glances around the room, dark eyes flickering violet as he steps inside. Motioning for Finley to take a seat once more, Declan takes his place front and center before the warm glow of the hearth. 

We all watch as Finley returns to his seat, annoyed as he is once more back in the room for a prolonged period time. "I take it you are all eager to learn of what could be pulled from River's recollections?" Clearing his throat, Declan shifts his focus back to me, those eyes peering deep inside of me. 

So foolish. So eager to follow destiny. Declan's voice rings in my head, a slight pressure applied to my skull as I wince slightly. Destiny is a funny thing. Be careful with such a creature of darkness and destiny.

Declan knows the truth of River, I can not say I am the least bit surprised as he was inside River's head for a great length of time. Falling into the oblivion of River's own recollections. He saw not just River's most embarrassing moments, no - for he must have seen a spectrum of memories ranging from those of happiness and joy, to those of despair and darkness, and to those of passion. Declan had offered River a strange onyx ring to which I am still unsure the properties of, but I can only assume it must deal with the bloodline River comes from. Declan noticed the moment he met River the power running through him - the Chaos and the twisted blood. 

"Pulled from the mind of River is a collection of artifacts to be used when opening portals. As to the location of these portals, some were clear and others hazy. Waiting for the subject of inspection is of upmost importance before beginning this campaign, for knowing the location of these artifacts will determine where it is crucial you enter through." 

"And will any of your kind be coming with us?" Emmitt asks. 

"Portals are maintained from where they are created." 

"What if the battle is too great and our men not qualified enough? We need a way out of that palace beside the cold ocean which would drown us all."

"Portals do not just work in one direction, for when they are created, you may walk back and forth between them as long as the mage projecting the spell can hold it," Declan reassures. "But my mages will not hold a portal for hours, nor would it be smart as elves could enter through the portals." 

"So we need a form of communication if we need a way out," Finch corrects. "We need a way to tell you we want to get out."

"If we enter and retreat when we have the element of surprise, then we will never be ready to face Keva on equal ground," Yusuf comments, his voice low as he tries to keep those words to Mathis and me. He is right, for if we find ourselves needing to retreat when we have the upper hand, then we will find ourselves starting over with fewer men. Starting over with fewer men would not keep Keva from just attacking us head-on without a real battlefield laid out. 

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