1 | Prologue

Mulai dari awal

Panicking, he twisted his head up to see a girl with shoulder-length brown hair and matching brown eyes.

She smiled as she waved her hands, "It's my quirk, sorry for using it on you like that..." Izuku took note of the pads on her fingertips. Could it perhaps be a side-effect of her quirk? Ah, that must be so cool—

"It would be a bad omen to fall before the exam, right?" The bubbly girl helped Izuku stand before deactivating her quirk.


"Eh— ah, well, thank...?" He paused.

Beside the nice girl were three adults. At first, this would only be slightly weird, but then again one of them was walking around the nice girl and giving her a head-to-toe once-over...?

Did no one around notice any of this...?

"Deku! Watch it!" Thankfully, Izuku was shoved out of his stupor by the explosive blonde.

Izuku was about to wish his childhood friend good luck (not that the boy would need it).

But that abrupt shove caused Izuku to turn 180 degrees to face four more adults, one of which was PHASING THROUGH Kacchan?!

Izuku tried to vocalise his shock, only to successfully let out a few small squeals.

One of the men turned in response to Izuku's noises, an eyebrow raised in concern.

His pale eyes only confirmed Izuku's growing freak out session.

Soon realising that Izuku was staring directly at them, he slowly raised a finger and blinked at the younger boy.

Izuku blinked.

The ghost blinked.

Izuku blinked.

The ghost bli—

"Well, he sure is mean! Anyway, good luck on the entrance exam, Deku!" The nice girl continued into UA, unaware of the current stare-down.

Izuku blinked.

The ghost—

"Oi, did the girl really—" A slender framed man pointed to the girl, who was entering the auditorium.

"Forget about the girl, that boy called our green bean Deku first." A woman with a similar hairstyle to Izuku's mother pointed out.

"I believe he was the one that Midoriya had previously saved from the Sludge incident..." A slightly taller man said.

The blue-haired woman stared at Kacchan walking off. "Well, the dear sure is..."

"Explosive..?" A tall man suggested, as he 'leaned' on the UA gate.

"Well, yes, but I was going to use the word abrasive ." The same woman chuckled.

The bulky man leaned towards Izuku's frozen form. "I think the kid's broken."

"Yo, was the ninth supposed to be such a... uh mess?" A man who appeared to be in his early twenties, dramatically gestured towards him.

There were still students entering UA's grounds, but none took notice of the seven adults.

At this point, there was only five minutes until the exam was going to begin, so no one was outside. Except for Izuku Midoriya and the seven...spirits?


So Izuku did the only rational thing his mind could comprehend at that moment... He stammered , "W-Who?! What!? Ghosts!?"

All seven adults froze mid-conversation, mouths agape as they turned to Izuku.

"There's no way this kid can see us!" The bulky man pointed at Izuku.

A sigh, "We are the only ones standing here."

"He can see us!?"

"Yes, I believe he can see us..."

One of the men proceeded to wave at Izuku, who raised a shaky hand in acknowledgement.

Neither realised how many students were staring at Izuku oddly for his random wave to thin air.

"Dear...please don't tell me you're a ghost too!?" The woman with blue hair leaned towards the boy, her hands clasped together.

"I believe that would make the most sense sinc—"

"Kid! Did you jump off the rooftop after All Might spoke to you the first time?!"

"Oi! Did you let that slime monster kill you!?"

"Did Toshi crush you by accident in one of his hugs?!"

"Aaaaah! Yo! Is this the end of the world!?" The young man looked around frantically.

However, this time a few of them rolled their eyes at the man's dramatic reaction.




And so, Izuku found himself staring down seven spirits, all displaying varying levels of distress at the revelation of his apparent death.

He stumbled for a moment, searching for the correct thing to say to ease their worries except there ended up being no point as he was cut off before he even got the chance to begin.

A bell went off and a flurry of footsteps followed suit because the exam is about to start—

"Uh, kid?"

"I'm gonna be late!"

United We Stand, Together We FallTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang