Chapter 22 - The Wrath of the Dark Lord

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My eyes fluttered open and my eyes squinted, adjusting to the light. I looked over to my right ad there she was still sleeping soundly. We were both still naked, under the blanket i put there after she fell asleep in my arms. I laid there next to her, waiting for her to wake up. Slowly she yawned sitting up and kissing me. I quickly got up and gave her one of my sweat shirts. It was too big her her. I laughed and she rolled her eyes playfully.

Suddenly we both winced at the same time rolling up our sleeves to see the dark mark moving and slithering around. 'The Dark Lord wants us..' She whispered.

She grabbed my hand and waved her wand our sweats turning into monotonous black attire. Then she apparated us to Malfoy Manor...


Bella's POV

As soon as we arrived Lucius was hurrying us to the meeting table where all the death eaters were waiting. He sat us down next to each other. Bellatrix was on my right and Draco was on my left. Around the room I saw the people I dispise the most. Bellatrix who's sitting right beside me whispered creepily in my ear. 'You were the brat who wounded me... But since you have joined us and you are dating my nephew, I will let it slide.. But be warned, if that happens again silly girl.. you will be dead.'

I silently nodded. All of the death eaters gave me and Draco approving smiles, as we were the youngest members here. Suddenly a black swirl of fog came from the front of the table. He was here... Draco squeezed my hand slightly. I could tell he was scared. I squeezed it back tightly in reassurance.

I wasn't scared. He was just a monster. An ordinary monster you read about in fairytales. I wasn't goin to let this monster be the first one to win against good. 'Welcome.. my friends.' He said in an eerie voice.

'Draco.. Bella.' He smiled with hatred. ' What is going on with the vanishing cabinet! The plan is moving too slow, I want Dumbledore killed in no less then a week from today.'

'My lord, Bella and I are trying to work on it and nothing's working.'

'Well Try Harder!' He thundered, making Draco shudder.

'Since BOTH of you have waited so long and have not tried hard enough, there will be punishment. Everyone else is dismissed, next time we'll meet these two will have fixed the vanishing cabinet and we will be prepared to invade Hogwarts and kill that excuse of a man.'

Every death eater disaperated, and Lucius and Narcissa obediently went upstairs. His eyes went to Draco. 'Crucio.' He smiled. Draco fell on the floor in pain swirming . 'Stop! Draco!' I cried. The dark Lord wasn't even paying attention to me. I took out my wand and shouted, 'Expelliarmus' The dark Lord's wand flew out of his hands as he turned to me, fuming with anger. he yelled a few words that I didn't hear and I rushed over to Draco, hugging him. 'Draco... are you alright.' He nodded, hugging me quickly as we both got up, wands ready.

The dark lord smiled at us, 'Isn't it amusing, how my 2 youngest followers are in love. How pathetic and disgusting.'

'Crucio,' I heard as Voldemort got his wand back, pointing at me this time. I fell to the ground, the pain seething through me like a disease. I writhed on the floor, going insane. I could hear Draco screaming in the background.

After what had seemed hours of pain, it finally stopped. My hands were shaking as i got up, every bit of me shaking. Suddenly, a slimy cold hand slithered up my neck. Him. 'Where's Draco.' I demanded, as his grip became tighter. He laughed evilly, 'he left, back to Hogwarts'

'No... no he didn't' I whispered. He couldn't have, he wouldn't have left me.

I kicked him in the stomach. I kicked the dark lord... and it felt so good. I got my wand from the ground, shooting another spell at him. He blocked it easily, and hit me hard with a red spell.

Next thing i knew, I blacked out.


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