Chapter 14 - End of the year

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Draco's POV

I had been sitting outside the border for the whole day now, wondering. Bella, she has to be okay. Everyone had returned to their dorms after dinner but i didn't care.

Suddenly a blinding gold light flashed as Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Ginny appeared infront of me. I immediately got up, 'Where's Bella,' I urged. The 6 parted revealing Bella on the ground, Dumbledore by her side trying to heal her.

My eyes widened, my jaw dropping to the ground as i sprinted to her side taking her hand, mine trembling. 'Bell,' I whispered. Her eyes were closed a giant slash on her right cheek. Her clothes were soaked in blood coming from her ribs.

I slowly stood up facing Dumbledore, 'She not okay, you have to do something.'

'Draco, I will try my best but if she doesn't make it..'

I yelled, tears flowing down my eyes, 'no don't say it, she will make it.'

I then faced Harry, my whole face boiling with anger, 'You Asshole! How dare you ask her to come fight your fight against the Dark Lord. How dare you bring her along.'

'Draco,' He started, but I couldn't care less what that bastard had to say. I went back to Bella's side, her breaths weak and uneven. The Dark Lord did this. And I will make him sorry for what he did.


Bella's POV

I woke up very slowly, wincing at the burning pain coming from my ribs. 'Bella, can you hear me?' spoke a tranquil voice. I nodded my head weakly, until my eyes came into it's senses. Dumbledore was by my bedside with Madame Pomfrey beside him and Flitwick, Snape and McGonagall behind them.

'Where am I?' I asked, trying to get up, ignoring the excruciating pain.

'Miss Whisps, lay back down, you are in no condition to sit up at all.' Madame Pomfrey fussed.

'Bella, you passed out fighting Voldemort.' Answered Dumbledore. 'He injured you pretty badly and then escaped after I fought him. You were very brave young lady, the best in our school at everything. For the next week i want you to stay in the hospital wing where Madame Pomfrey will take care of you. Then you can go to your regular classes but still remain cautious.'

'Okay thank you, so I won't be able to attend your class today professor Flitwick?' I asked him.

He shook his head, confused. 'Bella It's a Saturday, you've been out for 5 days already.'

What? i thought. That long? I need to see Draco, Cho, Harper, and all of my friends.

'Unfortunately, Bella, You won't be able to see any of your friends for the next week until you fully recover.' Dumbledore said, reading my mind.

'Please Professor?' I begged.

He shook his head no, 'I'm truly sorry Miss Whisps but it's for the better.'

Once they all left I cried silently inside my bedsheets. I felt so alone.

'Bella?' whispered a voice.

'Draco!' i exclaimed quietly.

'Shhh, Bells I snuck through a window to come see you. Hey are you okay?' he asked worried, seeing the tears in my eyes.

'Yeah, I'm fine, it's just something silly.' I muttered

'Nothing is silly to me my love.' He said gently running his hand through my hair. He then looked down at my ribcage all bandaged up and there was healing cream on my cheek. 'Bella, why did you go, tell me why.'

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