Chapter 23 - Invasion

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I had left her...


The girl I loved...

'Draco' He whispered in my ear. 'Go back to Hogwarts and finish the task, or watch your love die.'

He smiled coyly as he made a portal back to Hogwarts. 'Dont you do anything to her.' I glared at him, my eyes filling with tears as I saw her still squirming on the floor. 'Stop it!' I screamed.

He stopped, then this force pulled me back to Hogwarts. 'No!' I screamed.


I sat in the room of requirement trying to figure out how to fix the damn thing. I flipped through one of the books I hadn't touch yet. There it was. The answer was right there. I grabbed my wand, so excited I finally found the answer. It required a repeated spell for the next 24 hours, 'Harmonia Nectere Passus' I said.

The cabinet shook a bit then stopped, I tried again and again, until it was ready. I stayed up all night. I ran up to the owlery an sent a letter to my father saying it was ready.

Boy, I was scared. Dumbledore was going to die, and i was going to do it.


The next day I came down for breakfast and Bella's friends came rushing up to me. 'Where the hell is Bell?' Ben asked

I looked at him, 'Don't call her that.'

He looked down hesitantly. Harper looked me in the eyes 'Draco, where is she.'

'She went to visit her relatives for a couple of days, don't worry.' I lied.

After they were 'assured' by my words I walked over to the Slytherin table, finding a letter on near my seat.

Dearest Draco,

Thank goodness you fixed that cabinet in time. Your father is under a lot of stress right now, so this would be good news for him. Don't worry about Bella, I have taken care of her. She's making a quick recovery and will be coming back to Hogwarts through the vanishing cabinet for the assassination of Dumbledore. Open the cabinet at 4:00pm tomorrow.

- Mom

I sighed in relief. She was okay. And I get to see her tomorrow.


I ran over to the room of requirement after school. Just like Snape told me, I muttered the enchantment he told me to and sure enough, the death eaters arrived with their wands raised cackling. Of course my aunt was leading the group. Besides her was Greyback and Dolahov, followed by many death eaters in masks.

One of the masks faded as she ran up to me, embracing me in a huge hug. 'Bells,' I gasped. 'You're alright..'

She kissed me passionately before her mask went over her face, 'Come on, we need to move.'

Her mask went on as we strolled the halls together, the screams from the students getting louder.

Bella's POV

As the Death eaters flew around, destroying the school, Draco let me up to the Astronomy tower. We were stopped by the golden trio. 'Show your faces you cowards.' Harry barked.

'Oh Harry, you wouldn't want to know.' Bella whispered sadly, and hesitantly hit him with a spell, she was battling her friends.

Draco was dueling Harry and I was taking on Hermione and Ron.

'Confringo!' I yelled, blasting Ron away. I blocked Hermione's spells easily. The girl wasn't much of a dueler, only brains.

My mask faded away, as Hermione hit me with a spell on on cheek making it bleed. She gasped, 'Bella! I knew it you bastard!'

I rolled my eyes, blasting her away with an advanced spell I learnt.

The golden trio was no match for us.


After Dumbledore's death, I was in pain. How could I be so ignorant. I actually enjoyed hurting people. I didn't care about how my headmaster was now dead. He saw my potential as a struggling second year and helped me immensely. What had I become...

After his death, all the death eaters apparated back while Draco and I had to stay. Our masks faded as we joined the fellow students in commemorating the fallen headmaster. I cried in Draco's arms, wondering how I became this monster.

Hermione suddenly stood infront of the crowd, harry and ron behind her. 'Dumbledore, our beloved headmaster was killed by 2 of his own students!' She yelled, looking directly at Draco and me. There were tears in her eyes. 

'And to think I actually called one of them my friends.. Bella Whisps and Draco Malfoy are Death Eaters! Spies for the Dark Lord!'

Gasps came from all across the school. 'You Traitor!' yelled Dean.

I cried, 'This wasn't meant to happen, he.. he forced me.'

'Liar!' yelled Ginny, 'We fucking trusted you'

She shot at spell at me, but i blocked it with ease. The whole school rallied up against me forming a circle around me. I didn't want to fight anymore...

They all were about to hit me with a spell, as if I was fully responsible for Dumbledore's death. I was waiting to get hit.

Suddenly a shield formed around me. 'Professor?' I whispered. Flitwick was protecting me. 'I believe you Bella.' He smiled warmly. McGonagall joined him. 'Dumbledore trusted you, so I do as well.' She smiled sadly at me.

'So do we,' Cho smiled. I looked around seeing her, Harper, Ben and Peter joining our professor, forming a shield. Draco ran up to me, 'Hey you okay?'

I nodded, smiling at my friends. 'Bella, you need to escape, we can't hold everyone off for long,' Flitwick said.

I hugged him, 'Thank you professor, i think I know what to do. You can lower your shield.'

I turned to my friends, 'I love you all so much, thank you from the bottom of my heart.'

I grabbed Draco's hand and we disaperated. We couldn't stay at Hogwarts. Everyone was trying to kill us.

We arrived in a clearing, near the beach. there was a beautiful small cottage by the shores. 'Bell, Where are we?'

'Our new home, we'll be staying here until the Dark Lord attacks Hogwarts, then we'll be ready to fight... against Voldemort.'

Draco kissed my forehead, hugging me from behind. We both watched the sun set, dawning on our new future...

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