Chapter 19 - Save My Soul

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TW - This Chapter contains Suicide Attempts

Read at your own risk.


It had been a week since i got wounded by Harry. I could never forgive them. My closest friends had betrayed me. Draco was crying by my bedside the night i woke up. 'I promised to protect you. I promised i wouldn't let anyone hurt you.' He cried. I couldn't let him feel that way. It wasn't his fault.

I walked up to the astronomy tower and saw a letter pinned to my owl, Alaska. I opened it and nearly dropped the letter. It was from the Dark Lord.


My task for you is to fix the vanishing cabinet which is located in the room of requirement. This is so that my death eaters can transport into Hogwarts to help you kill Dumbledore.

Time is ticking.

I couldn't do it. I wasn't evil. And i never will be. It feels like my whole life is falling apart. My parents are worrying everyday, blaming themselves for me becoming a death eater. The stress building up inside of me. If I don't please the Dark Lord, I'll die. I wish i could just fall asleep and never wake up.

I was up the whole night thinking about my choice. I didn't know what to do. The only thing that was keeping me normal was my reviving potion that i have to make every day.

The next morning i trudged myself down to breakfast. I tried to look fine infront of my friend group but i failed miserably. 'Bells, Are you sure you're okay?' Peter asked.

'Bella. We are worried for you. You haven't eaten in one and a half weeks. What are you surviving off of?' Ben said.

'Reviving potion.' I mumbled, half-asleep. My eyelids were drooping and my hair was a mess. 

'Bella...' Harper gasped. 'That is really bad for your health if you keep on drinking that!'

'Bella, since the beginning of the year, you've seem off, somehow.' Cho started.

'Guys, It's okay. I'm fine.' I protested. 'I'll see you guys later.'


Draco's POV

I was eating my breakfast when 4 Ravenclaws came up to me. 'What are you doing?' I asked, as politely and i could, knowing they were Bella's friends.

'We are worried about Bella.' The guy with curly blonde hair said. His green eyes were filled with worry.

'I'm sorry who are you guys.' I said confused.

'You daft dimbo.' The girl with incredibly thick glasses and fair hair said. 'We are Bella's best friends.' I'm Harper, this is Peter,' She said pointing to the guy who just spoke to me. 'Ben is the one with jet black hair over here. And this is Cho. Anyways, besides the point. We need to talk about Bella...'


We sat on the field near Hagrid's hut after school. It felt weird to talk with my girlfriends' closest friends without her being there.

'Have you noticed she's been acting strange lately.' Ben asked me.

'Yes, exactly, not only her personality but her appearance. Then she stops eating as much, and is now taking revival potion. And a lot of the time, I can tell she's stressed. I don't know about what though. She won't tell me.'

'She won't tell us either.' Cho sighed. 'I can write her parents a letter. I'll give it to you so you can send it tonight. We all need to study for N.E.W.T.S.'

I rolled my eyes. 'Classic Ravenclaws.' I mumbled.


It was past midnight and i forgot to send the letter. I walked up to the astronomy tower and there was a figure standing on the railing of the balcony. It was a girl. She was looking down a hundred meters down as her fingers were trembling. As i crept closer i recognised the flowing brown locks and when she turned around, my grey eyes met her blue ones.


What is she doing...

Her eyes were glistening with tears. 'D... Dr... Draco.' she whispered.

'Bella, take my hand!' I cried, realising what she was doing. My eyes got blurry as tears streamed down my face. I couldn't lose her. Not her. My Bella. My princess.

I held my trembling arm out, slowly stepping forward towards her. 'Stop! I can't lose you. I can help you Bella. We'll figure this out together!'

She shook her head, crying. 'No, we can't. I can't.'

'I can fly, Draco' she whispered, taking me back to the first time i met her.

My eyes widened, my head dizzy. She stepped forward into nothing, falling.

I ran forward with all my strength and jumped off the Astronomy tower without hesitation. I could see her falling and I was getting closer and closer to her in the air. I reached my arms out and covered her body with mine as my back hit the grass with her in my arms.

We were both trembling, our eyes both flooded with tears. 'Why did you do that,' she whispered. I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her with the most passion ever. 'I.. I can't lose you Bella. I love you.'

'You.. You're bleeding.' She whimpered.

Only then was when i felt the pain surging from my back.

'I don't care. As long as you're okay.'

She placed her delicate hands on my cheeks as she kissed me softly.

We were both crying.


The Boy I Once Loved (DM 18+)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ