Chapter 66: Ellie

Start from the beginning

And not just because of how hot Logan looks in his gold Husky uniform pants... in high definition TV.

"Mmm-hmm." Monique nodded and sealed up her potatoes with tin foil, then handed me the box. I wrapped up my leftovers and, once she locked the door behind us, we for sure waddled down her apartment's stairs, then the downward hill.

"You know this is gonna burn on the way back," she remarked as our feet clumped on the sloped street.

"It'll give us room for dessert." I winked at her but clutched my containers into my still very full stomach. "Logan, Wes, Charlie, and I were going to visit Emmitt tomorrow but I'm kinda glad we're not going to a full house."

"I got your back," her steady voice assured me. "Although if I rip Emmitt a new one, hold my earrings first."

"Deal." I giggled quietly while we walked down the suburban street, past a mix of older traditional homes and renovated ones, in the northern direction of Greek Row.

During the circular walk back to my apartment, where I picked up the copy of notes, I updated Monique on all things Logan-related. By the time we reached the historic 1930's brick houses along the divided, tree-lined 17th Street, my upper arm was sore from all her hand squeezes and my closest ear to her numb from all her excited squeals.

I'm lucky she's so supportive though.

Emmitt, along with nine other guys from the team, shared one large, two-story house a block over from Greek Row. While they had their own parties, the guys certainly enjoyed their... easy access to the sororities.

Some more than others.

As if she sensed my apprehensive thoughts, Monique's dark brown eyes shifted down towards me. "Why are you being nice to Emmitt? Did you take notes for him in class?"

"I feel sorry for him," I confessed the simple, honest answer. "He got hurt and that sucks."

Her scoff hit my ears before her words. "People get hurt all the time. After what he tried -" she started when I cleared my throat.

"Key word is tried..." My voice faded while my lower lip rolled under and I bit down gently.

While the entire ZTE hazing event disgusted me, my fucked up past of being sexually assaulted probably jaded my opinion but Emmitt definitely hadn't forced himself on me, ever. While I hated the player and the game, I respected his emphasis on consent. Whenever I'd resisted, even with one quick 'No,' he'd never laid a finger on me.

My standards are so fucked up.

"Thanks for coming with me," I said in a quiet voice when a brick front house with a slouched front porch, covered with chipped white paint, came into view.

"Told you..." Her dark brown eyes flashed at me. "If you've got my earrings then I've got your back, Ellie."

"Hopefully you can keep them on." I glanced up at the large gold hoops threaded through her ears, then knocked my fist onto the front door.

"Hey... Ellie? Monique?" I expected the surprise in the pair of brown eyes that greeted us at the front door.

Absent any identification like a fraternity house but internally the whole campus knew this house probably worse at how the rookies who didn't even live here were forced to clean it. A quick glance past Emmitt's large frame at the beer bottles and dirty plates in the living room showed that a cleaning day was definitely needed.

"Hey Emmitt." I ran my eyes downward to the large walking boot on his right ankle. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better now." A smirk pulled across his face and his eyes glinted at me.

I Hate Football Players 3 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now