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tw // mentions of anxiety

you had no idea what you were getting yourself into. spending the night at keeho's house? the guy you hated since the second you met, but is being nice to you now? a very crazy idea, most definitely, but you didn't have a choice. he wouldn't let you go home since you clearly were afraid to, so the only decision was to go to his place for the night. and of course, you had the voice in the back of your head that told you that this wasn't a good idea. your face began to turn red just thinking about what you two would do there, but you quickly shook your head, destine to get the dirty thoughts out of you mind. but it was too late, you were already two minutes away from his house. oh and that cold you caught from the rain? it's progressively getting worse every minute, and keeho is noticing this. he brought his large hand to your forehead and his eyes widened in shock, it was burning hot.

"you're burning up, the cold is getting really bad." he mentioned.

"we're almost to your place, i can get some rest there." you mentioned.

"you're right,"

it didn't take long but you reached keeho's house. it looked like your flat but it was a bit bigger, and the outside didn't look like an abandoned building. you checked the driveway for any cars and you didn't see one, which meant that he wasn't lying when he said that you two would be alone. he unlocked the door and the both of you walked inside, you letting out a sneeze and a nasty cough following it.

"here, i'll go get some clean clothes for you to change into, you need to get out of this damp outfit. just stay here ok?"

you nodded and sat on the couch, a violent shiver making you flinch. you looked around the fairly large room, you spotted the kitchen which was just a few steps away, a dining room, and possibly a guest bedroom down the hall. you decided to stand up and explore more, noticing that the place was furnished quite well. it wasn't messy either, so it told you that keeho was possibly neat, you wish you could say the same about yourself.

"okay, here you go. exploring, huh?"

"fuck keeho, you scared me." you say, breathing heavily.

"sorry. here's your clothes. it's just this t-shirt i found and some sweatpants."

"the shirt is obviously not your size, is this your sisters or something?"

"no... i'm an only child. just take it please." he said sternly.


you quickly changed and let out another loud sneeze and a rough cough. you had to admit, you felt terrible, but you didn't want to bother keeho with anything else. i mean he's already done enough, you could take on the cold overnight right? it's not like a fever or anything, so it doesn't really matter. you quickly shut down the thoughts so you wouldn't jinx it. you were also beginning to feel hot, but that wasn't even the worst of it. you were breaking out in cold sweats, maybe the "cold" was much more serious. all of this for just sitting in damp clothes? the world was really against you this day.

"holy shit you're sweating like crazy y/n." he said in a serious tone, placing his palm on your neck. he softly brushed it and noticed that the sweating was coming from the cold, actually it might've been a fever now. so much for not jinxing it...

"follow me."

you nodded, too exhausted and nauseous to say anything, and followed him up the stairs into his room. it was actually nicely sized for this semi-small flat, your room was definitely smaller. you still couldn't believe that you were here, keeho taking care of you and all. you're perspective of him changed a bit, he was no longer the guy you wanted to avoid, he was the guy you wanted to know more about. you knew he had secrets, and you wanted to know them so bad, however you would have to build his trust.

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