92. Shots from the life of the Miyans

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Main pairing: None

Other pairing(s): Sakuatsu (Sakusa x Atsumu) / Osasuna (Osamu x Suna)

Warnings: None 



 Osamu: I'm going to murder your entire family-

Osamu: ...

Osamu: Wait-



Atsumu: You're the younger one, I should be taking care of you.

Osamu: You're my twin brother but you're a passive little baby, so I feel like I need to take care of you even if I'm younger. Even if we're always fighting, I really love you, ok?

*A tear rolls down on Atsumu's face*

Osamu: No! No tears- Tsumu-

*Atsumu hugs Osamu*

Atsumu: Say it again, please.

*Osamu hugs Atsumu tighter*

*Osamu whispering*: I love you.

*Atsumu, whispering*: I love you too.



Fucking idiot: Atsumu! Have you realised that you are the useless twin?

Osamu: What the fuck did you just say? 

*Osamu, grabbing fucking idiot by his collar*: Say that again I dare you.

*Fucking idiot shrinks* 

Osamu: I will bury you alive if I hear one more thing from your filthy mouth, you hear me?!

Fucking idiot: Y-yes.

Osamu: Good. Now fuck off.



Atsumu: Hey, I wanted to talk to you.

Osamu: Actually, me too.

Atsumu: Okay. At the same time?

Osamu: Yeah.

Atsumu: I'm gay and I'm dating Sakusa

Osamu: I'm gay and I'm dating Suna.

Atsumu: What? Since when?

Osamu: What? Since when?



Sakusa: Will you marry me?

*Osamu, pretending to be Atsumu for practise*: Oh Omi-kun~

*Osamu, realizing that Sakusa would take his brother away from him*: No.

*Suna, there for morale*: Congratul- what the hell?

*Sakusa, confused because he's supposed to say yes*: No?

Osamu: No.



*Osamu and Atsumu go to a jewelry store*

Osamu: I'm kinda nervous... What is Rin doesn't want to get married yet?

Atsumu: It'll be fine.

Osamu: Easy for you to say, Sakusa Atsumu.

Atsumu: How about this, I'll buy you ice-cream and we can eat a whole box if he says no.

Osamu: Even if mom gets angry at us?

Atsumu: Sure, bro. Now let's go pick those rings!

Osamu: Thanks Tsum-

*They see Suna buying rings*

*Osamu and Suna at the same time*: What're you doing here?

*Osamu and Suna at the same time*: I'm picking rings for you because I was planning on proposing to you.

*Osamu and Suna at the same time*: Oh.

*Everyone in the store starts laughing*



Atsumu: My cat died today.

Osamu: Rip that pussy-

Suna: Ayyy~ Wait... Isn't it your cat too?

Osamu: Wait- Mr. Snuffkins?

*Osamu, his eyes watering*: No...



Atsumu: Omi-omi, will you go out with me?

Osamu: No.

*Sakusa, passing by*: I wouldn't say no, commit to your role Osamu.

Atsumu: Wait huh-



*At the end of a match*

*Atsumu scores the last point against Sakusa and wins*

Sakusa: Fuck you, Miya.

Atsumu: Woah there Omi, maybe later.

Sakusa: Atsumu, we are in a match.

Atsumu: My point exactly!

Sakusa: I swear to God-

Osamu: Suna! Where was the bleach? My eyes need some right now.



Atsumu: You can do it, you can do it, you can do it, you can do it-

*Osamu, trying to kill a spider for Atsumu*: Shut the fuck uuuup!

Atsumu: I'm just encouraging you!

Osamu: NO!

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