49. Ushiten

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Main pairing: Ushijima Wakatoshi x Tendou Satori

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: None


Rude Bitch 1: Hey, Monster.

Tendou: Are you talking to me?

Rude Bitch 2: Of course, he's talking to you. Who else here do you think is a monster? 

Rude Bitch 3: Everyone hates you, why are you still alive?

Rude Bitch 4: Your teammates are constantly annoyed by you. They hate you. 

Rude Bitch 2: Why would anyone love a monster anyways? 

Rude Bitch 1: You'll never be human. You-

*Tendou rushes out of the room not wanting to hear more. He sinks down at the end of the stairs and lets his tears fall on the ground, his head resting on his knees. A few moments later he feels someone hugging him and he tenses*

Ushijima: It's me.

*Tendou relaxes into his boyfriend's touch as he hugs him back*

Ushijima: You don't have to worry about  those assholes. I dealt with them.

Tendou: Thanks.

Ushijima: Satori, I want you to know that you're the most beautiful human being I've ever encountered. Those assholes can talk all the bullshit they want. I know that what they're saying aren't real, and so should you. You are a valid human being and I love you. We don't have practise today, so we can go home and relax, yeah?

Tendou: Ok, I love you. 

Ushijima: I love you too.



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