85. Semishira

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Main pairing: Semi Eita x Shirabu Kenjirou

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: Mentions of physical abuse


*In the middle of practice*

*Shirabu's phone rings*

Coach: Whose is that phone?

Shirabu: Sorry coach, I have to answer. It might be important.

Coach: Well, you know what the rules are, put it on speaker.

Shirabu: Coach...

Coach: Rules are rules.

*Shirabu sighs and answers the phone*

Shirabu: Yes, mom?

Shirabu's mom: He... He's gone... He's finally gone from our lives...

*Shirabu, with tears in his eyes*: No way- is this for real? Holy shit- Mom, are you serious? 

Shirabu's mom: Yes, my boy. They took him away. It's over. He's not coming back, ever again. See you at home, and please tell Eita to come over with his family for dinner. 

*Shirabu's mom hangs up*

*Shirabu runs to Semi and hugs him, the tightest he can*

Shirabu: Thank you so much, Eita.

Semi: I didn't do anything.

Shirabu: If you didn't tell your mother, my dad would still be loose and- and-

Semi: It's ok...

Ushijima: If it's alright with you, can you share with us? 

Semi: You don't have to...

Shirabu: It's alright.

Shirabu: My father is an alcoholic and abusive piece of shit. He had been hurting both me and my mom for almost 4 years now. He would always avoid hitting us in our faces because the bruises could be seen. And I would always change before or after you guys so that you didn't see them... 

Shirabu: It worked for a while... However, one day, he was more drunk than usual, and he forgot his keys... He started banging the door, I was the one to open it because mom had to go to work the next day and it requires physical strength, and she couldn't afford not working. 

Shirabu: When I opened the door, he just looked at me and started beating me. He was saying how I was a useless piece of shit and didn't deserve to live. He must've had enough fun with me after that because I found him passed out on the couch 10 minutes later. I packed all my stuff and went to Semi's. At the time, we were dating, but I had kept my stone-cold façade. 

Shirabu: So, he was a bit shocked to see me in front of his doorstep, shaking and crying with bruises all over. He then took me inside so I told him everything and asked if I could stay over for a few days. He accepted, obviously.

Shirabu: His mother is a police officer and his father is a doctor, so when he told his parents about the situation, him mom took all necessary actions to put him in his rightful place while his father treated my wounds. 

Shirabu: His trial had been going on for a month and today, they found him guilty, thus the phonecall.

Semi: I know that took a lot of courage for you to say. I'm so proud of you. I love you.

Shirabu: Thanks. I love you too.

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