18. Sakuatsu

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Main pairing: Sakusa Kiyoomi x Miya Atsumu

Other pairing(s): Kagehina (Kageyama x Hinata) / Bokuaka (Bokuto x Akaashi)

Warnings: Manga spoilers


*At a MSBY game*

*MSBY's match point being won by Atsumu*

Atsumu: Yay! Omi-kun, we won!

*Atsumu hugs Sakusa and the spectators fall in silence because they know that Sakusa is a germaphobe and hates physical contact. They all look appalled when Sakusa hugs back.*

Sakusa: Good job, baby.

*They then kiss* (idk how to write a kissing scene pls send me help) 

Hinata: Oh, we're kissing each our boyfriends then?

Bokuto: For the record, I don't have  a boyfriend.

*Hinata goes over to the other side of the net where the Adlers are and kisses Kageyama while Bokuto goes over to the stands and pulls Akaashi to the court and kisses him*

*Before their kisses turn to make out sessions, they part. The cameras which were zoomed on the couples' faces, now zoom on Bokuto and Akaashi's fingers, which have matching rings* 

*After a minute of silence, the stadium erupts into cheers. Everyone looks extremely happy except their coach who was thinking how he was going to explain this in the interviews*


Note: I'm not very happy with this one so I'mma post one more :P

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