66. Kiyoyachi

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Main pairing: Kiyoko Shimizu x Yachi Hitoka

Other pairing(s): Ennotana (Ennoshita x Tanaka)

Warnings: None


*Tanaka and Kiyoko hanging out at Tanaka's house*

Tanaka: Hey Kiyoko-san...

Kiyoko: What's up?

Tanaka: I was thinking... What if we fake dated? 

Kiyoko: Why would we do that?

Tanaka: To see our crushes' reactions of course!

Kiyoko: What if things go south and they are just happy for us?

Tanaka: Then, we'll continue the act for a week and say that we broke up!

Kiyoko: Ok...

Tanaka: You agree? I thought it would've taken longer for you to agree.

Kiyoko: I mean... I'm graduating soon and I don't have much time left to confess. I don't want to regret anything...

Tanaka: Ok, it's decided then.

*The next day (Saturday)*

*Kiyoko and Tanaka come in the gym hand in hand*

Sugawara: Woah. What the hell? Are you dating?

Kiyoko: Yeah.

Yachi: See, I told you, Ennoshita-san.

Ennoshita: I know.

Hinata: What?

Tanaka: You ok, bud?

Ennoshita: Yeah. I'm ok. I'm fine.

Kageyama: Ennoshita-san, you're crying.

*Ennoshita, touching his cheek*: I am? Oh.

*Kiyoko notices that Yachi's crying too. He smacks Tanaka on the head*

Kiyoko: I told you it wasn't a good idea. I don't know why I agreed with your stupid plan.

Tanaka: Because of y'know the whole "I'm graduating soon and I don't have much time left to confess." thing...

*Kiyoko, blushing*: Right. Anyways, to anyone who might misunderstand, it was a prank. Tanaka and I are not dating. We did this to see our crushes' reactions. 

Daichi: So... the people you like are in this room?

Kiyoko: Yes.

*Kiyoko and Tanaka do a rock-paper-scissors and Kiyoko wins*

Tanaka: Ok, fine. You go first.

Kiyoko: Yachi, I like you. I was  able to open up to you more than anyone and I like spending time with you more than anyone. My heart flutters when I see you laugh and even though it hasn't been a long time since we've known each other, I've fallen for you. Will you be my girlfriend?

*Yachi jumps on Kiyoko*

Yachi: I like you too, Kiyoko-san. And yes, I will be your girlfriend.

*Kiyoko, smiling*: I'm glad.

Tanaka: So cheesy and for what?

Kiyoko: Oh, shut up.

Tanaka: Anygays, my turn.

Tanaka: Enno, you are the reason I was so weird the first day of high school.

Ennoshita: Wha-

Kiyoko: Oi. He's going to misunderstand. He means that he had a major sexuality crisis when he saw you.

Tanaka: Yes, that's what I meant. Anyways, Kiyoko then noticed it and gave me permission to act like I was simping over her and to vent to her. Later on, I came in terms with my sexuality, but I was too caught up in the 'Kiyoko simp' act that if I went back to the way I actually was, everyone would think that I was acting weird and I would have to confess.  

Tanaka: Then, this year, Yachi came along and Kiyoko fell in love with her. Suddenly, my long texts of me pining over you were transformed into her pining over Yachi. So, I decided to do this prank on you guys to see your reactions, and so that Kiyoko would muster up the courage to ask Yachi out. 

Tanaka: I thought that love at first sight was only in movies, but you proved me wrong. You can make any of my nightmares turn into pleasant dreams just by smiling. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I love you, Ennoshita Chikara.

Ennoshita: I- I love you too.

Tanaka: Will you be my boyfriend?

Ennoshita: Yeah.

*Insert wholesome Ennotana kiss*

Hinata: Aww.

Tanaka: I forgot you guys were here. Because whenever I see Enno, the whole world disappears.

Kiyoko: And who is the cheesy one again?

*Tanaka, flipping her off without looking at her, still admiring Ennoshita's face*: Still you.

*Kiyoko flips Tanaka off as well*

Daichi: Kiyotana's friendship is definitely an interesting one.

Sugawara: Can't argue with that.


Hi, I'm planning on doing a scenario about either Tsukkiyamakagehina or Bokuakakuroken. A dot will suffice :) 

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