65. Bokuaka

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Main pairing: Bokuto Koutaro x Akaashi Keiji

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: Manga spoilers


*Shots from the life of Bokuaka based on prompts I read*



(Prompt: Bokuto can play the piano)

*Bokuto playing 'Touch You' (from YBC) on the piano*

Akaashi: Kou, I'm going to go on a video call.

*Bokuto, changing the song to Winter (Vivaldi)*

Colleague 1: Wow, Akaashi-san (they're married so he's Akaashi-Bokuto) the background music is amazing! Can you bring the CD player closer so we can hear it better?

Akaashi: Oh no. I'm not listening to it from a CD player, my husband's playing it at the moment.

Colleague 2: Wow, can we see? He's playing flawless.

Akaashi: Kou! My colleagues want to see you play the piano!

Bokuto: Sure! Bring them here.

Colleague 1: Wait... Isn't that THE Bokuto Koutaro? The famous volleyball player?

*Bokuto, grinning*: The one and only!

Colleague 2: So that's why you're writing 'My Amazing Spiker Husband'.

*Akaashi blushes*

Colleague 1: But isn't that set in the perspective of a second year setter who falls in love with his captain/ace who is in the year above him?

Bokuto: Keiji! You didn't tell me that you were writing our high school years! I want to read it! 

*Bokuto, winking*: Does it have smut?

*Akaashi, blushing more*



(Prompt: Bokuto's scared that he'll break Akaashi's glasses when they kiss so he always takes them off)

*Bokuto, coming back from MSBY practice*

Bokuto: Hey baby.

Akaashi: Hey Kou. You seem tired. Did you eat?

Bokuto: Yeah. Did you?

Akaashi: Nope. While you're taking a shower, I'll eat. Then we can cuddle in bed, okay?

Bokuto: Ok.

*Bokuto goes over to kiss Akaashi but before he does, he takes Akaashi's glasses off*

*After the kiss, Akaashi smiles*

Akaashi: Kou, you don't have to take my glasses off every time we kiss, they won't break.

Bokuto: I know, I know. I just can't help it...

Akaashi: You're adorable...



(Prompt: Akaashi works at night and Bokuto curls in his lap and sleeps there)

Akaashi: Kou, I'm going to work.

Bokuto: Ok.

*Bokuto curls on Akaashi's lap and Akaashi, unconsciously starts to play with Bokuto's hair*

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