90. Kagehina

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Main pairing: Kageyama Tobio x Hinata Shoyou

Other pairing(s): None

Warnings: 🌤


*Asshole I want to beat up, after saying some shit to Kageyama*: And I bet Hinata regrets dating you.

Kageyama: No he doesn't.

Asshole I want to beat up: Who would want to date you? I mean, look at you. He's gonna leave you for someone better.

Kageyama: But... he loves me-

Asshole I want to beat up: How do you know he didn't date you out of pity? Weren't you the one who confessed?

Kageyama: Yes, b-but-

Asshole I want to beat up: See? Think about that.

*Asshole I want to beat up leaves*

*Kageyama calls Hinata*

Hinata: Hey, Kags. What's up?

*Kageyama, with his voice trembling*: D-do you regret dating me?

Hinata: What- no- of course not! Are-are you crying? Where are you?

Kageyama: The gym.

Hinata: Ok, stay there, I'm coming.

*After he arrives*

Hinata: Hey, Kags. Come here.

*Kageyama buries his neck into Hinata's chest*

Hinata: Now, tell me, what's wrong?

Kageyama: Some guy told me that you regretted dating me and said that you only dated me out of pity.

Hinata: That guy can go fuck himself. I don't regret dating you, and I never will. You're my partner on court and for life. I wouldn't be who I am now if it wasn't for you. I love you more than words can explain. And by the way, if it makes you feel better, I had written you a love letter and was planning on giving it to you the day you confessed to me.

*Kageyama, whispering*: Do you have it?

Hinata: Yeah, do you want to read it?

*Kageyama nods*

The letter:

Hey Bakageyama,

You probably know who I am even from that. I just wanted to tell you that you're really important to me. I love how close we are lately and I always have the best time with you. I think it's great that I can talk to you about everything and I know that even if I say sth stupid, you'll say something stupider back. And I love that, I love our dynamic. And I really, really like that we're friends now and not enemies like before. (I'm still gonna beat you tho) 

*Kageyama chuckles and sniffles*

I'm so grateful to have you in my life. Thank you for always listening and being there for me. I don't know what I'd do without you. So please don't go anywhere because I want to fly higher and continue to be invincible. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I love you, Kageyama Tobio.

                                                                                                                                                                 -Your Boke

*Kageyama goes over to Hinata and hugs him*

*Kageyama, whispering*: Thanks, I needed that.

*Hinata, smiling*: Anytime, love.

(Some guy was supposed to be Oikawa but I love him too much to make him the bad guy)

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