"This is my family's lakehouse Aria, you can't stop me" Elena snapped.

"Elena, this is Jeremy's family lake house as well, and he doesn't want you here, you make the murderous hunter in him come out, you need to leave, now" Aria ordered.

"Aria, I told Bonnie and Elena to bring me here" Shane said, "I can help you fix Jeremy".

"Okay first of all, stop saying that I need to fix Jeremy, his not a broken toy" Aria snapped, "And second of all, how the hell do you people find out where we are everytime".

"I used a locater spell" Bonnie admitted.

"So you're stalking me" Aria said, glaring at the witch.

"Look Aria, we don't want any trouble, we just want to help Jeremy, we all want to get to the cure, we all have the same goal" Shane said.

"Why do you want the cure?" Aria snapped, "You're not even a vampire".

"Just stop Aria" Elena snapped, "You can't control us, we are staying, end of story".

Aria smirked, "Is that so? Tell me something Elena, aren't you a vampire now? Meaning you need to be invited inside, I wonder after everything you've done if Jeremy will let you in", Aria walked back to Jeremy, "Jer, let's go back inside".

"Aria you need me" Shane said, following Aria, "You need to get into Jeremy's subconscious and I can help you achieve that".

Aria sighed, she hated to admit it, but the truth was she did need Shane, she bought Jeremy to the lake house to get rid of his killer instinct, but she had no idea where to start.

"Fine" Aria said, "You and your side kick witch can come in, but that" Aria pointed towards Elena, "Stays out".


"Deal" Shane interrupted Elena.

"Oh and if my boyfriend and friend, end up killing you, that's on you, not me, okay?" Aria asked, a mock smile on her face.

"Fine with us" Shane replied.

"You're seriously leaving me outside?" Elena asked, as everyone went inside the house.

"Yes" Aria replied, "Maybe that will teach you a lesson, not to go kissing other people's boyfriends".


"Is this really necessary?" April asked, as Shane tied Jeremy's wrists to the chair, whose eyes were shut closed, he was in a trance like state.

"It is if we don't want him to attack anyone." Shane said, "All Jeremy feels when he sees a vampire is a burning desire to kill them, even if consciously he doesn't want to".

"But he didn't attack me" Aria reminded.

"And there's a reason for that to" Shane said, "You see, every supernatural creature has something or someone that helps keep them in control, their anchor, but without their anchor, the supernatural creature can spiral really badly", Aria and Damon exchanged a glance, in a sense they were each other's anchor, when they are together they are happy and in control, but without each other, both of them go down a very dark path, "In Jeremy's case, you Aria are his anchor, he will never hurt you because your the only thing keeping him sane".

Cold Hearted | Damon SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now