Keep your head up

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Meredith's POV:

The day has arrived, I will be starting chemo and begin to lose my hair and getting sicker before getting better. I wish Derek wasn't so optimistic about all of this because in reality I still have cancer I'm going to lose my hair and get really sick and I don't want him to have to see me like that, since we have only just started dating, he shouldn't have to give us his free time to spend it at the hospital with his sick girlfriend.

"Mer, were you listening?"

"Oh no, what did you say?"

"I was saying how the doctors came and said we need to head down for the chemo now, do you want me to help you get up, I know how much your back and has been hurting recently and how tired you are and will be after this."

"Derek, can we just get down there and not talk about it, I don't want the chemo being all we talk about when only one of us has to do it."

"Mer, I've been where you expect I was doing it by myself so let me help you and if you don't want to talk about it that's fine, we can talk about school and whatnot."

"Thank you, we should probably get going shouldn't we?"


Still Mer's POV:

"Okay Meredith, as you know chemo doesn't always work with kidney cancer but there has been a few cases where it has, so we are hoping since the cancer is small enough that the chemo will help and if not we will move onto radiation therapy and if these still don't work we will try surgery once again, but I strongly believe that the chemo should work. Derek, you know the drill why don't you get Meredith ready for it."

I know this shouldn't be surprised or even hurt at this point that my mother hasn't shown up, she hasn't shown up for anything in my life for well since I can remember but now, well now I have Derek with me and his family and they are the only people I need right now and I'm fine with that.


Derek's POV:

The round of chemo started about 2 hours ago and it has really taken a toll on Mer, she has become really exhausted but is refusing to go to sleep because she doesn't want me to be lonely, but she needs the energy for the next round in a couple of days b she is stubborn in that way not letting people tell her what to do.

"Come on Mer, you're exhausted get some sleep, I'll read a book or listen to music but you need to sleep I'll be here when you wake up and while you sleep I'll get you some water okay?"

"But Derek, I'm fine I can keep going plus it only has an hour left so it's fine."

"No Mer, you need to sleep and an hour left means an hour of sleep so go to sleep or I'll get Dr. Webber."

"Fine but I have you know that is blackmail."

"I know it is but it's for a good reason, now sleep."


Meredith drifted off to sleep in no time which was a relief for me, maybe not so much for the people around as she began to snore away but that has become but favorite sound her snoring and her laughter.

I decided to take the time to get something to eat, so I walked into the cafeteria where I saw Cristina and Mark out of all people sitting together.

"Mark, Cristina. What are you doing here?"

Mark- "We had come to visit Mer, but we got told that she was in chemo so we decided to get lunch together which we would have both personally not have picked each other to eat lunch, but here we are eating together."

"Oh well, mind if I join you? Mer is asleep and I'm starving."

Cristina- "Sure Shep, you can tell us about the posh side of town and all the gossip about the snobby people."

"Sure Cristina, but first let me get something to eat."

Hi! I hope you liked this chapter, so I did some research for this chapter about the chemo and radiation but if it isn't totally correct sorry about that! but anyway don't forget to vote and comment and if you have any advice or ideas let me know they are always welcomed!

Have a great day!


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