"Nina?" Chase calls from behind me, reaching my shoulder.

I shut my eyes and my jaw tightened. "Don't. Let's go now."
"Thank you, for...everything." I tell Chase, who stops the car in front of my house.

We got here after a twenty-minute drive, it could've been shorter if we hadn't picked up Jacob's car from the bar he went to last night.

Turns out that his keys were saved by the bartender who thought Jacob was single. As soon as he asked if they've seen his keys around, she immediately popped out of nowhere and handed them to him with a seductive tone and grin. It was kind of hilarious how Jacob turned her down with all honestly.

Either way, we didn't stay there long, we just went to get his car key and left. Luckily for Jacob, his car was still parked outside, it wasn't towed like we thought it was going to be.

"You're welcome." He steps out of the car as I scrunched my face in confusion.

Where is he going? Then my door is pulled open and Chase is holding it. That's why he offers me his hand and I take it.

I rolled my eyes. Chase was about to speak when Jacob interrupted him.

"I'll be inside, call me if you need anything." He says motioning towards Chase.

Why can't he trust Chase after he took time out of his day to pick him up? It's ridiculous.

I begin walking towards my porch and stop, staring up at Chase who looks calmly settled.

"So..." he begins putting his hands inside his pockets.

"So?" I repeat, letting out a breath at the end.

"Are you ready for tomorrow? I'm picking you up at three."

I scoff a small laugh with a smile on my lips, he then lets out a small chuckle. I know I said that acting cold towards him would make him stay away from me, but he doesn't. He doesn't and it makes it harder between us because he manages to make me smile without failing.

Who am I kidding? There is no such thing as us in this... Whatever we have going on. We are not friends. I don't want to be his friend- nor a person he could feel comfortable with. If he does so will I and I can't let that happen. I won't. If distracting myself from everyone at this point is the solution, then so be it.

I can't let myself fall or even care for anyone without the feeling of getting hurt or worse...betrayed.

But I know that Chase and I will never get to be something because we just aren't a match.

Sounds stupid, yes it does, but I don't care.

Any person who has gotten hurt by the people closest to them will understand this feeling. The feeling of not being able to trust nobody without overthinking it. It kills me sometimes and I feel like I'm trapped in a world where I'm destined to suffer along my journey.

I want to be able to trust without having to wonder when will they die, or when are they going to pull a little stunt and tell me that they no longer want to be my friends anymore. But I can't, and I know that my past has a lot to do with it. As much as I want to deny it, it's true.

I have trust issues. I'm scared to be alone. Well, more alone than I already am.

"You mentioned that already." I tuck a strand of loose hair behind my ear, and he looks at me with a grin and his eyes showing...pure admiration?

No, it can't be-see what I mean? I need-want to stop overthinking so much on topics that aren't even that important. This topic does feel important though.

"Well, just to remind you then. I don't want to get stood up by the infamous Nina Morgan."

I scrunched my face and confusion as he lets out a chuckle. Infamous? Where did that come from?.

"You happen to be one of the hottest-" He airs quotes 'hottest'. "-girl in school, a challenge to the guys and competition to the girls."

Okay, what is he talking about?

I hardly talk to anyone at school for them to know who I am. Well, except for the fact that last year a stuck-up senior asked me out in front of the football team.

His name was Joshua Dewei, he was nineteen and I was still fifteen at the time. It's not like I would've given him a chance anyway, he was creepy- like a real creep you want to stay away from.

He somehow formed an obsession with me and began sending me gifts. I remember that the first gift I ever received from him was a red bouquet of roses on my bedroom window with a note that said 'come outside at 11 and I'll show you what a true queen deserves'.

To say I freaked out was the least.

I ended up throwing his bouquet in the garbage and the following day at school he even entered the girl's restroom to give me a necklace that I return by throwing it onto his face. He got mad and began yanking me around at the point that he left a big bruise on my forearm.

Those two weeks were crazy caused by him, but then I began hearing the girls gossiping around about how Joshua would ask me out the next day after the big game.

I didn't want to believe it, I wasn't sure how far that guy was willing to go to get whatever he wanted from me. Part of me hoped that all those rumors I was hearing turned out to he nothing more than just that: rumours.

When that day those girls were talking to arrived, I wanted nothing more than to embarrass his weird self. I was so glad when I actually did it.

I was in the hallway near the back doors, he was there, walking back and forth with the football team behind him. He stopped once he noticed I was walking his way.

He was about to speak when I rudely interrupted him by saying no and like that walked away, not looking back at any of the students. I did hear all the laughing and jokes coming from the team. In that moment I smirked to myself and said Good. But as far as I'm concerned, nobody knows me.

But I knew what Chase was referring to, and I chose to play along.

"Is that such a crime?" I tease.

Chase only laughs shaking his head. "Well, ask that to the other guys who won't shut up about you, they say you are a fine challenge."

Now I'm the one who's laughing.

"I can be," I nod. "But not with those guys, I'm not interested in them."

"I think that I should go now. Goodnight, sleeping beauty." He smirks and my smile fades, replaced by a glare that he chuckles at.

"Goodnight, Bullet." I say, causing him to stop walking.

He slowly turns around with a smile on his lips. "What was that?"

"You heard me," I step backward. "You're a bad influence, you're defensive- and I know that one day, you're going to kill me with the act you put on."

A smirk tugs the corner of his lips. "You think I'm a bad influence, and defensive?" I nod. "I wonder what other things you think of me," He smirk growing wider.

I knew this was happening, I knew exactly what he was going to say and I still said it. Not it's up to me to fix what I created.

"Don't get too exited, I can think of you as I can think of many other guys." I stepped inside my home.

"Is that so, huh?" I nod. "I doubt you think of any other guy when you're interested in me." He sends me a wink before climbing in his car.

A/N: Do you guys think I should do a
Q/A? This is my first story ever and I would like to introduce myself to you. Don't forget to vote! Share and comment.🤍

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