Chapter 13: Camila

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"Lauren said that they'd be a while, but they're coming," I told Dinah, Normani, Ally, Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Harry.

"Why don't we just wait until tomorrow to find out who won?" Dinah suggested. "The winner and two of their friends are supposed to come tomorrow, and it would be ideal to know who's coming and what their song is," Liam replied.

"Guess we'll just have to wait until the two love birds get back," Ally said. With that, everybody dispersed, except for Harry and I. I was sitting on his lap, and we were in the room with all of the couches. There was also a huge flat screen TV in this room.

"Do you want to do anything?" Harry asked me. "Whatever you'd like to do is fine with me," I replied. Harry then turned on the TV to see what was on.

There wasnt anything good playing on TV. "How about we take some couple pictures," I suggested. "Sure," Harry replied.

I pulled out my phone and we took a lot of pictures. Some were nice, but most of them were just really goofy, which I loved. I then posted the pictures to twitter.

Ally, Dinah, and Normani then came into the room. "Mila, do you want to come play pool with us? And Harry, would you like to come with us?" Dinah asked. "Sure," Harry and I said at the same time.

Pool is a hard game to play. Sure, I was getting better at it, but it was still hard. Thankfully, because we were five people playing, I didn't have to play every single time, so I took pictures most of the time.

Niall and Lauren walked in after a while of us playing. "Youre back!" I exclaimed as I went up to Lauren to hug her.

Zayn, Liam, and Louis then came. "Great, we're all here," Louis said. "It's getting late, so we should hurry up and call Simon," Liam said. Dinah then pulled out her phone and called him.

Simon picked up the phone on the first ring. "Are you all there?" he asked. We all said that we were. "In that case, the winner is a girl named Meaghan. I sent you her picture and her song," he said.

Obviously, no one had thought to check their emails. Now that we knew that Simon had sent us this, we felt a little stupid of not thinking of that.

Harry got the laptop and opened his email. We all read this girl's song over his shoulder. Harry then scrolled down to reveal the girl's picture.

"Camz, Normani, isn't that the girl from the plane?" Lauren asked. I took a closer look. "It is!" I exclaimed. "That's so cool," Normani said.

Everyone else was confused, so I explained to them that I had sat next to this girl on the plane on the trip to London, and that she seemed really nice and sweet.

"You three should be the ones to greet her and her two friends tomorrow," Ally suggested. "I'll drive," Zayn said. It was settled.

Quickly, the next day came around. Louis and Ally made breakfast, like they had been doing for the past week together.

I couldn't tell if the two of them were dating or not. I had a feeling they were, but if they were neither of them had said anything yet. As long as they were happy, though, it didn't really matter that much to me.

Anyways, after breakfast, Zayn came by the mansion. He waited for Normani, Lauren, and I to get ready, then we left for the airport.

Lauren and I rushed out of the car once we got to the airport. "You two do know that the girls are coming after lunch, right?" Normani called after us.

"Well then what are we doing here?" Lauren asked as we walked back towards Normani and Zayn. "There's a food court here, I thought we could have lunch here while we wait," Zayn replied.

"Food? Yay! Let's go get some food!" I exclaimed. With that, we went inside the airport and to the food court. Sure, it was only 11:30 in the morning, but food is good at any time during the day, right?

Soon, an hour passed, and it was tome to meet up with our contest winner and her two friends, whoever they may be!

**** hope you guys are liking the story so far! Random thing: should there be anything going on with maybe Normani, Dinah, or Ally with a guy from 1D? Or maybe someone else? Let me know what you guys think! Don't forget to fan/vote! :)

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