Chapter 8: Lauren

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I was really worried for Camz. I could tell just by looking at her that she wasn't feeling well. So, I asked her to come with me to the bathroom.

"Camz, what's wrong?" I asked her as we entered the bathroom. "My head is pounding and I don't think I could stand up straight for much longer," she whispered while clutching the counter. "We have to go home then," I told her. "No," she protested, "I'll be fine. We'll go ice-skating and I'll be fine, I'll just take something first. Do you have any more Tylenol?"

Obviously, I thought it would be better if we went home, for Camz's sake, but I didn't want to fight with her. So, I took a bottle of Tylenol out of my purse and gave it to her.

"Promise me one thing, though," I told her. "What?" she asked. "The second you don't feel ok, tell me something in Spanish," I said. "I'll yell burrito," she said, which made me smile.

After we both went to the bathroom, we went back to the table. There, Niall and Harry were paying for our meal.

"Do you want to go skating?" Niall asked me. I smiled and said, "Of course I do." Niall then entwined his fingers in mine.

We left the restaurant and walked to the lake. There were people skating on the lake, and there was a booth where a man was renting skates.

Niall rented a pair of skates for me and a pair of skates for himself. Behind us, Harry and Camz were waiting in line to rent skates for themselves.

The two of us put on our skates, then hit the ice. It was so romantic to be skating with Niall. he was holding my hand as we practically danced on the ice.

He at one point stopped. Niall then looked at me straight in the eyes. "Gas anyone ever told you how beautiful you are? Because honestly, you're gorgeous," Niall told me.

My face flushed as I smiled wide. He made me feel so special and happy. I was so glad that I had him in my life, and it really didn't seem like it was only our first date.

The next thing I knew, Niall was leaning into me. Was he going to kiss me? Sadly, he didn't. What Niall did do was move a piece of hair from in front of my face to behind my ear.

"You really do look beautiful," Niall said seriously. We then leaned into each other, and it was obvious that we were about to kiss.

Before anything else could happen, Harry and Camz skated towards us. "It's getting late, we've already been here for more than an hour. Would you two like to head for home?" Harry asked.

I looked directly at Camz. She had her fingers entwined in Harry's, and a smile on her face, but I could tell that she wasn't ok.

"Let's go home. I'm really beat. And besides, we have to work tomorrow," I said.

With that, we took the limo back to the mansion. Harry and Camz walked right in together, while Niall and I stayed at the the doorway together.

"Did you have a nice time?" he asked. "I loved it," I replied. "So does that mean we could do this again another time?" he asked. "Definately," I told him. Niall then kissed me on the cheek lightly.

"Goodnight, then," he said as he pulled away, the walked down the steps of the mansion. Meanwhile, I was dying inside because Niall had kissed me.

Next, I went inside and went up to my room. I got changed into my pajamas, then I got a text message.

"Lolo, come next door," the text from Camz said. "I'm coming mija," I texted back.

First I had to put on my slippers, but then I went over to Camz's room.

"Camz, what's wrong?" I asked her as I entered the room and shut the door behind me. She was in her pajamas while sitting on her bed.

"Just lonely," she replied, "Come sit with me." I did just that and wrapped my arm around her.

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