Chapter 6: Lauren

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The next morning, I woke up pretty early. I got dressed and went to the bathroom. I then went back to my room and went on twitter on my phone.

At first, some funny tweets caught my eye. Then I noticed that Camz had tweeted something, so I went to go look at it.

"Feeling under the weather :(" the tweet said. This obviously made me frown.

I went straight to Camz's room beside me, an thankfully her door was open. However, I didn't see Camz actually in the room, which was really weird.

My eyes then saw movement from underneath the bedsheets. "Camz, is that you?" I asked as I approached the lump that was the size of my friend.

Blankets then fell off the bed to reveal Camz. She then coughed.

"Camz, what happened? You were totally fine yesterday," I said worriedly as I sat on her bed. "I don't know. I just woke up and my throat's hurting a lot and my head's killing me," she whispered.

"Ok, first things first. No talking until your date. We don't want your throat to get worse. I'll go get you some Tylenol or something for your headache. Now stay her for now," I told Camz.

She gave me a weak smile, so I smiled back at her. With that, I got up and left Camz's room.

"Lauren, what's wrong with Camila? I saw her tweet," Harry asked me as I closed Camz's door. "She's getting sick, but don't worry, she'll be better by your date tonight," I told him. "I hope," he muttered, then turned away.

Harry then turned back to me. "Do you know yet how to get to the dining room?" he asked me. I laughed. "I wish. How do you not get lost in here everyday?" I asked. He laughed in turn and lead me to the dining room while we talked.

We had some eggs and bacon for breakfast, along with Louis, Ally, Normani, and Dinah. Of course, we all talked during breakfast.

The moment I finished eating, I got some food for Camz, along with a bottle of Tylenol that Louis had given me. I then went straight to Camz's room.

Now she seemed to be resting, so I closed the door gently behind me. I put her plate down on her night stand and sat back down on her bed.

Everything about Camz seemed so peaceful. I felt so bad that she wasn't feeling well. Then her eyelids fluttered open.

"It's cold," Camz said. "Don't talk," I told her," I'll get you a blanket. But sit up, you have to eat. And I also brought you some Tylenol for your headache, ok?"

Giving Camz her breakfast plate while she sat up, I also opened the bottom drawer of her night stand. Luckily, there was a blanket in the drawer, so I put it on top of her other blanket that she had on top of her.

Just then, Harry came into the room with a cup of tea. I decided to gie the two of them some privacy, but before I left, I reminded Camz, "No talking."

Dinah's music was blasting from her room. I went to her room to see her dancing around with Normani and Ally. "Come join us," Dinah said, so I did.

After a bit, Normani suggested that we go shopping. The three of us agreed to go shopping, then we realized that we had no idea how to get around in England.

By chance, Louis came in the room. "Would you girls like to do anything today?" he asked us. "Could you take us to a mall?" Ally asked him. "Sure," Louis told us.

He took the four of us to the mall after we got ready. The mall really wasn't far from the mansion, which was great, because that meant that we could go shopping more than just that one time.

Once we got to the mall, Ally, Normani, Dinah, and I went to go look for new clothes, while Louis went to park the car. I was in a rush to find something for my date with Niall that night.

"Zayn is going to be so jealous," Normani said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Didnt you say you wanted to date Zayn in our interviews on X-Factor?" Normani asked. "Yeah, but I've always had a soft spot for Niall. Besides, he actually asked me out. How could a girl say no to Niall? He's awesome. Now help me find a cute top," I replied.

We continued to talk and shop and we even took some pictures with British fans!

Yet all the while only two people were on my mind.

Niall and Camz.

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