20. Fate's Plan

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Life always throws unexpected things to us when we least expect. That's why when things go too well we don't give our all because we know that anytime life can throw a little surprise that can be unpleasant.

I look back and find neo immobile staring at the woman in front of him. I walked back to where he was and I saw her. It was lilly the woman I met recently today at the pharmacy.
"Lilly hi " I speak surprised running into her here.

"Oh hello Athena " she smiles and then looks back at neo waiting for a response from him.
He takes a breath out and then turns to my side.

"Athena you go first I'll catch up with you tomorrow " he speaks warmly.

"Uhm yeah okay I'll leave you guys" I say understandingly.

"Nice meeting you lilly" I address before I leave.

"You too dear " she replies and gives me a hug.

I walked out of the cafe with Emily, and I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling about what happened.
This must be neo's mom but from this timeline. Did she mistake him for the other neo who's here ? Does she know about the timeline travel ?
My god many questions were running through my mind.

"Athena?" Emily announces indicating that we arrived .

"Yeah?" I blink and focus on what she was saying.

"Okay what's going on? " she begins.

"I honestly don't know " I sincerely answer.

"He never mentioned anything about his family before in front of us " Emily thinks.

"Yeah he doesn't talk about them that much" I reply.

"I'll see you at the book opening next week okay?" I confirm brushing the topic.

"Yes of course " she smiles.

"Keep me updated with neo " she mentions as I get out of the car.

"Will do Em" I smile and close the door.

I head upstairs quietly because mom and Theo were already asleep . It's almost 3 Am . I change into my pjs and get into the covers.
I kept tossing and turning all night because I couldn't stop thinking about the questions and there possible answers .

The next day came so fast. I slept for 10 hours straight after I got tired from all the thinking.
Thank god today is off , because I couldn't go to the bookstore like this.
I head downstairs finding Theo and neo playing Fifa.
I was so thirsty and My hair was a mess , it was all over the place.

"Morning you guys" I yawn and took a cup of water to drink .

I sat next to them on the couch until they finish.
"Wow it's almost 5 pm" I state startled.

"Did you guys have dinner yet?" I ask putting my cup on the table.

"Guys?" I huff.

"Okay that's it" I announce and stand in front of them as they play.

"Athena move please !" Neo begs as he tries to see .

"Dude dinner is in the microwave go and leave us in peace " Theo shouts desperately.

"Fine but once I eat you'll stop playing!" I furiously say.

As I was eating macaroni and cheese , I thought about yesterday. Neo seems perfectly fine and I wonder if it's only me who's worried and made a big deal out of what happened.
No she was his mom , it is a big deal.
"Neo can we talk please ?" I say and put the dishes in the sink.

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