16. An Old Enemy

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Realizing now that Neo was going to work with a bunch of models made me feel a little self conscious . I mean I know we like each other and I trust him so much but I can't help but feel a little threatened by whom he will meet there.
I walk down the stairs and and approach him.
"What? when did you put me on sale?" He asks.

"The moment I suggested that you become a model" I comment regretfully.

"I'm only sold to one person and I know she will take care of me " he replies.

"Are we still talking about you or about a new furniture ?" I sarcastically say.

"Yeah I went too far " he agrees.

"What I mean is I only like you athena and this really hurts don't you trust me?" He questions.

"I do of course. I don't trust who you will work with " I sulk and hug him .

I just wanted to hide in him and disappear from this world , his embrace was my secret cave that I'd run into so I can find comfort .
"Oh no don't worry about that " he reassures and caress my hair from the back.

"Okay .. I'll leave you now " I announce and step back.

"Tell me how it goes when you show them your book okay?" He says.

"Yes I will " I smile .
He gives me a kiss on the cheek and got in his car and drive off .
I sigh and got ready to go to the publishing house. Luckily it was near by , I took a breath out and got inside the building.
It was just like how I remembered the room was still crowded . People running everywhere and the telephones are always ringing .
God it was so busy , I'll never understand how I used to work here .
I waited outside to wait so I can enter and see the chief editor Mr Pete Talon .

"Athena you can come in now " miss Stacy his secretary announces and I thank her and get inside.
His office was modern with freshly new chairs and newly painted walls .
But the smell was still there so it kind of felt suffocating in here.
Mr Pete was dad's old friend . He studied with him in college English literature . He was straightforward and very stern with his work. Even his face was so sharp from his straight bushy eyebrows to his mustache.

"Athena ! You've got a new book here I see " he indicates pointing at my final drafts.

"Yes I do !" I begin.

"Enlighten me then " he begins and wears his glasses.

"So the title of the book is happy colors " I start.

I began narrating the story and it's plot , talking about how the kids can be happy by just the smallest of things and they must keep chasing these things that will make happy colors visible on their faces.
When I finished narrating the plot and showing him the illustrations he remained quite for a time and then smiled to me.
"I love it " he comments.

I blink a couple of times and then repeat what he said " you love it!" I laugh in disbelief .

"Yes I'll discuss it officially with the others and I'll inform you by the end of this week " he finishes.

"Oh my god ! Thank you thank you!" I exclaim and bend over the desk and hugged him.

"Oh dear god you still give the worst hugs " he laughs.

"I know " I laugh.

"So why is it different this time ?" I ask suspiciously.

"Because it's straight to the point easy for kids and a lesson is learned " he answers.

"Yeah I studied the children psychology aged from 6-10 like you told me " I confirm.

"See I told you it'd make a huge difference " he mentions.

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