In addition to that, Gene also tried astral projecting when they were little. The older twin noticed that he isn't receiving the visions Noll got from using psychometry so he tried to astral project alone. He didn't open his eyes for two days straight.

If it's not because him, knocking on his 'door' and pushing him out of his spirit plane, Gene wouldn't have returned to his body. Noll and his family were worried for days with the thought of him not waking waking up again. Noll thought that he will lose his twin at that moment. His only blood kin.

But he died! Only God knows how he controlled himself back then. He had used psychometry on Gene's things twice and it broke him to see that green coloured veil twice! He hates that color of death and he loathe it even more when it's pair d with his dear brother. Gene was hurt but he wasn't even there!

And he cannot allow that to happen to Mai. She's a very precious being to him. He cannot lose her too. Gene's gone but Mai is still with him. He can't lose her. Gene have him to pull him out from his astral plane and Mai have Gene as her spirit guide but Gene is currently unavailable. The two of them couldn't even contact him after their last conversation. Naru can't risk it. His heart soured at the thought of Mai not waking up. He wanted to see her smile again and he wanted to fix their awkward relationship. She can't be in danger until I do all of that— No! She isn't allowed be hurt. Ever!

Realising his thoughts, he laughed out loud unconsciously. The brunette heard his laugh and noticed his shaking shoulders. Mai suddenly felt guilty all of a sudden. His laugh is full of self-mocking and something that pains everyone who heard his sound. For the second time, Naru and shown Mai his vulnerable side. Mai didn't know what's he's thinking but she don't want to see him like this. He looks like he had been abandoned. Mai knitted her brows and stopped struggling.


"....I don't care anymore..." Naru whispered, his breath touching Mai's delicate neck as Naru snuggled her shoulder.

Mai froze at the skin contact. She didn't move nor tremble. Her eyes widened as the blood surge up to her head. She then felt something wet touching her neck. It is soft and tickling. The calming scent of tea penetrated her nose as Naru kiss and lock her neck. That sensation made Mai's brain explode.

"...N-naru!" Mai yelled and pushed his head from her neck but her young boss caught both of her hands.

Naru separated from the hug and stared at Mai's eyes. So couldn't believe what she just saw. His eyes....are looking at her softly and something.... That gaze.... It's the same gaze she saw in her mother's eyes while remembering Mai's mother. It is full of tenderness and love.

She couldn't believe she's receiving that kind of look from Naru. His cheeks are tinted with pink and his tongue brushing through his lips looks so seductive! She don't know what to do anymore. Her heart is beating so fast like she was about to have a heart attack. All she think of is Naru and Naru alone.

' isn't right...I...'

"...N-No! Naru, s-stop....."

Mai's brain wrestled with her with her desire. Her brain tried to negotiate but her heart seems to have been bewitched by the enchanting figure that's hugging her. Her heart wants her to accept but her brain tried to reason.

'My background.... My promise.....No! Not yet....Please!'

Naru leaned down again and captured her lips with his. His tongue moved as it erased all the words that Mai's brain is telling her. Her walls collapse as she slowly ceased her struggling. Naru enjoyed the flushed and surprised look on her face.

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