"Little man, I can tell you'll be fun to hang around with! I'm Bill, by the way."

   Am I supposed to respond to that?

   "I hope I at least get on your good side, Bill."

   Suddenly, a door closing could be heard from the distance. Everyone got up to ask the human questions, or just to say hello, but he looked past them all towards the noise. A familiar pair of ears faced him, twitching when he muttered,

   "Legoshi?" I'm so fucking dead.

   The taller students moved, and the boys made brutal eye contact. The both of them quivered under each other's stare, (Y/N) beginning to sweat and Legoshi's mouth going agape.

   What is he doing here?! They both thought at the same time.

   As soon as the wolf sniffed his scent, it alarmed him that the human felt nervous, overwhelmed, etc.. He got out of there before either of them could feel worse, (Y/N)'s eyes watching him as he exits.

   The crowd cleared after Sanu rushed them away and told them to get back to their rehearsal areas, but Els walked to his side.

   "I saw you looking at Legoshi. If you're scared of him, just know that he's actually really kind. He's not like Bill either, I noticed that you felt nervous around him." She empathized with him.

   "I'm completely fine, Els. It'll just take me a while to get used to having to be around carnivores... the large ones, I mean."

   "That's fine." She perked up suddenly. "Hey, I've got my part all finished for the day. Want me to show you the ropes? You'll probably have to work backstage, though. You're kinda too late to act with the rest of them."

   "No, I understand. Go ahead and show me around, if you will."


   "So... Legoshi."

   The two stood next to each other, working on the lights during the show. The boy talked silently, covering the mic that was attached to his headset.

   Legoshi answered with a hum. He could still smell the nervousness from him, but it was very faint this time. Though, he could smell a familiar one along with it.

   "I'm kinda sorry I couldn't get you out of that mess earlier. I was just... surprised. I mean, a grey wolf and a dwarf rabbit isn't something you see everyday, now is it?"

   Legoshi glanced at him, making sure to pay attention to the lighting as well. "Nothing happened. I kind of ran away before she could do anything."

   The scent went away. "Alright, I trust you with that."

   It was during the last act, Legoshi finally faced the human. He was only watching everything going down on stage, fairly into it all.

His face, it makes him look so young... does he ever smile? Based on what I've researched, humans should gain wrinkles the more they do that.

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