"It looks like you guys can handle this on your own and won't be needing my help," Mr. Irving said and Theo nodded.


Theo made his way to Scott's house with the potion in his hands and book. It didn't take Mrs. Irving long to make. He knocked on the door and Lydia opened the door and let him in.

"Theo, do you have the potion?" Scott asked. Theo nodded and held up the potion. He handed the potion to Stiles who put two drops into two cups of drinks and mixed the drinks. While Stiles was doing that, Jay decided to ask Theo about the book he was holding.

"What is that book you have?" Jay asked Theo.

"This is a spellbook. Mrs. Irving said Layla will need it" Theo replied. Everyone, except Stiles, nodded.

"Okay, I'm done, I will go give these to my dad and Parrish," Stiles said, standing up with the drinks and left. Everybody waited for him to come back with Layla hopefully.

At the Police Station

Stiles walked into the station and made his way to his dad's office which thankfully was where Deputy Parrish was as well.

"Stiles, what are you doing here?" Sheriff Stilinski asked his son.

"Well, I saw that you guys are working hard and want to bring you guys some drinks to help you guys keep going," Stiles said, putting the drinks down.

"Thank you, you may leave now," Sheriff Stilinski said. Stiles left the office but stayed at the corner to wait for them to drinks the drinks, so he can put his plan into action. He watched them take a couple of sips from the drinks. He waited a few minutes for the potion to take effect, Then we walked back into the office.

"Stiles, what are you doing here?" Sheriff Stilinski asked, signaling to Stiles that the potion worked.

"I came to ask you to let Layla go. She is not the one that killed those three men"

"What? Why would I arrest Layla, the evidence doesn't even lead to her bring the killer"

"Do you remember anything about the last day?"

"All I remember is going to your school and talking to Malia. After that, everything is blurry. Why is that? Do you know something I don't?"

"Well, you were hypnotized by this creature called the Sceetryon who is the killer, making you believe that Layla is the killer."

"Well, I need to get Layla out and apologize to Deputy Irving since I probably took him of this case for being closed to it," Sheriff Stilinski said, standing up, he made his way to Layla's cell. He opened the cell. "You are free to go Layla." Layla stood up and made her way out of the cell, relief that she doesn't have to be in that cell anymore. "I'm sorry. Layla"

"It's fine Sheriff Stilinski, you were under a hypnotization," Layal said. The Sheriff nodded and Layla made her way to Stiles who looks like he was waiting for her.

"Hi, Layla, sorry it took us long to get you out"

"It's fine, I'm just glad you guys got me out. I couldn't take being in that cell longer. By the way, I have something to tell you"

"I know, Malia is the Sceetryon," Stiles said knowing what she wanted to say.


"We figured it out since the Sceetryon didn't know that werewolf can tell when people are lying, leading to her to reveal herself" Stiles explained. Layla nodded.

"Also, she turned Liam and his gangs against us and made them believe you are the Sceetryon"

"Well, damn, that's not good," Layla said as they made their way to Stiles's car.

At Scott's house

Everyone was waiting anxiously for Stiles to come back. "What if his plan doesn't work?" Jay asked.

"It will work. Stiles is good at making plans that work." Scott said. Everyone stood up as the door opened. Stiles walked in with Layla trailing behind with her glowing eyes.

"How was life in jail?" Theo said jokingly.

"Boring, I could use a shower right now" Layla laughed

"Oh, hey Scott, can Layla use your shower?" Stiles asked Scott.

"No, that's fine. I can just go home"

"You can't, we are going to search for the Sceetryon. So, Scott can she?" Stiles said. Scott looked at his mate, who looked away from him. I deserve that

"Yea, if you can follow me," Scott said as he made his way upstairs, Layla following behind. Everyone can feel the tension behind them.

"What do you think happened between them?" Jay asked after Scott and Layla disappeared upstairs.

"He probably didn't listen to her when she was trying to tell him about Malia being the Sceetryon" Theo replied as everyone nodded.


Scott led his mate to his room. "This isn't the bathroom," Layla said tightly

"I know, I just getting you clothes to change into," Scott said, going to his drawers and picking a shirt and shorts that may fit her and a jacket from his closet. He handed her the clothes and she took them from him. Then, he leads her to the bathroom. She went into it and closed the door without saying anything to him. He signed and waited for her.

"You need to fix this" Scott's wolf said

"I will"

"Good, we can't have our mate being mad at us"

"I know. You are finally talking to me"

"Yes, I've been mad at you long enough. Even though, you keep making stupid mistakes"

"Sorry, I'm new to this mate thing. By the way, what is your name?"

"Tyler" Scott's wolf answered. Scott was about to ask him another question, but the sound of the bathroom door opening interrupted him. He looked up and saw Layla stepping out of the bathroom in his clothes, which were slightly big on her, holding her dirty clothes. She looks nice in my clothes

"Where do I put my clothes?" Scott heard her asked. He gestures for her to follow him. He led her back to his mate, he pointed to his laundry bin. Layla put her clothes in the bin.

"Layla" Scott started. Layla turned around and looked at him. "Yes." Scott walked up to her.

"I'm sorry for not listening and believing you" Scott apologized. Layla smiled at him and held his hand. "It's okay. I wouldn't believe you if you said something about Theo, so I understand. You knew her longer than you knew me"

"I shouldn't have put my emotions before logic (I probably didn't use that word right)"

"Yes, you shouldn't have. You should listen before making decisions" Layla said

"I will take into consideration. I'm sorry again" Scott replied as he looked his mate in the eyes, who shooked her head. He lifted his hand to her cheek as they continuing staring at each other. Their face leaning closer as time goes by. Their lips finally touch into a sweet kiss. Scott dropped his hand to her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck as they continued kissing. They stopped kissing and put their foreheads together, smiling at each other.

"We are waiting for you guys downstairs and you guys are here sucking each other faces off," Stiles said, interrupting the loving moment. The couple jumped and turned around to see Stiles at the doorway, smiling. Scott groaned at Stiles for ruing the moment.

"Sorry to ruin our loving moment, but we have to get going," Stiles said and made his way back downstairs. Scott and Layla following behind him, holding hands.


End of crappy Chap.

Until next time, bye!!

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