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I laugh and the old pain I felt when I was only a child. I think as I slip on my hoodie and leggings and go to get my shoes. I slowly tip toe out of the attic and too the kitchen to make my father and mothers breakfast. I make them warm oat meal and some pancakes. After I set the food on plates and set the table I walk out the door and head to my second hell.

As soon as I enter the school I can feel my anxiety bubbling up like a volcano. I look around and accidentally bump into one of my old bullies saha. I met her in 4th grade but even though I tried to be friends with her she hates me she got most of our two classes to do so as well I only had two friends my first friend was named Maya she was sweet but cried a lot but I did not mind my second friends name was galaxy she was a really cool person even though we argued every day we thought of it as a game ,but after a while Maya moved away because he mother died and there was not family left were I lived,but one again in 6th grade galaxy started to befriend my bullies and ignore me. Eventually everyone in the school hated me. I was always alone and soon feared human contact.
I was scared.

Scared that would hurt me

Hate me

Break me...

So here I was looking at one of my old bullies. She looked at me as amusement and anger displayed on her face. She rolled her eyes and laughed "look the little crybaby grew up" I could feel the looks people gave me as I kept looking at the floor as tears welled up in my eyes. She bent down and looked at me and snickered softly "awww is the baby crying" I push her away and walk to the girls bathroom slide on to the floor head to the corner hug my knees and let my tears fall.

I hear the voices again

They cheer louder

Telling me truth's

Diary of lavender peaksWhere stories live. Discover now