11/2/2021 part two

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After I think an hour I stoped crying and went to my homeroom class. I met a girl named Isabelle. I was so happy and thought of her as a friend she was also friends with a boy named Aaron. He was a good drawer like me but he like drawing weapons and me people, nature and fashion,but soon I thought we became friends even thought I acted formal and them more funny I thought it was nice but soon after 3 weeks the school went on brake and so I gave them my number on the second to last day but they never texted or called. So the next day I asked them why and they changes the subject so after 3 times I realized they didn't want to be friends with me they were playing me

They thought I was useless to

They only wanted to use me

They hated me

All the hope I felt for a real friend gone,but what did I expect father always said I was a burden to all the people around me but I never thought that was true I thought that was the only lie me father said about me .




I came back to reality to see u was still in the school yard and isabella was calling me. She said she wanted a picture of our project because I was taking it home. To be honest I loved the project because it was the first time I was open with people in months even if it sounded like I was joking.

So I let her take a picture and I took one with her and she left but I knew I would probably never see her again. I started walking to my parents house but to get there I would have to walk by an abandoned school from a long time ago. I hated walking by there ,everytime I do u hear a childs voice around the building but this time I heard no so I eventually got to my house quicker that before but as I walked in I was my mother in the living room and she turned to me looking angry shouting "how could you" and grabbed my hair and banged my head into a wall. I could feel blood trickle down my face. She did this several times before kicking my side over and over till I screamed as I heard a sickening crack. I saw her smirk so I knew she was not finished, she threw me to the floor and stated to apply pressure to my wrist slowly crushing it under her foot. the more I didn't scream the more pressure she added till she lifted her foot and stomped on it like a little bug I screamed as my wrist broke. She smiled leaned down to look me in the eye and said " wait here dear don't go anywhere" she walked away for a moment and came back with something shiny but soon realized it was a knife before I could try to move away she plunged it in my stomach I gasped before black dots danced in my vision as everything went black

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