🌞Chapter 20🌻

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There was a simple, heavy knock on the door and it opened.

"I found what was messing up the monitors. Someone must have tampered with the camera in the elevator sl they could do some groping play. I wish they'd stick to their rooms," Mew muttered as he came in. When I saw him, my heart leapt into my throat instantly.

What was going on? It was pounding like a drum.

"Again? The last time it was someone doing a strip tease in the elevator."

As First spoke, I jumped up from the sofa

"Mister Gulf?"

"Gulf? What's wrong?"

The both looked at me strangely. I didn't think I could keep my cool of I spoke.

In a panic, I grabbed my bag with my laptop in it and bowed my head quickly.

"Please excuse me---I'm going to head home." I tried to slip past Mew.

"Gulf? Wait! I can drive you back." Mew grabbed my arm, and my entire body tensed.

Holding my head, not truly understanding the reason for this panic myself, I knew I didn't want to be alone with Mew, but my arm was slightly warm where he touched it. I couldn't shake him off.

"That's okay. I can still catch a train."

"How do you plan to get to the station? Do you know the way?"

I choked. He was right---the last train probably hadn't left yet, but since I'd come here in Mew's car. i didn't know how to get to the nearest station.

"At least let me take you to the station."

I couldn't think of a reason to plausibly refuse his offer. We walked out of the room together. Mew still holding my arm.

Even sitting in the spacious seat of the BMW, my conversation with First rattled around in my head. Whenever Mew said something to me, I couldn't only give the briefest answers.

"You're quiet tonight. Did something happned with First while I was gone?"

Of course Mew had noticed my odd behavior. He pulled to a stop in front of the nearly empty station and looked me straight in the eyes. Light from the street lamps shone into the car, lightning Mew's face oddly. It hurt me to admit it, but he did look good.

"No, nothing. Thank you for dropping me off."

I was suddenly afraid Mew's face might hypnotize me. I glanced back to make sure no cars were coming, then opened my door.


Mew said my name in a low voice and caught my wrist with his long fingers. My shoulder jerked tight.

"I'll be in touch."

We were doing a job together, so that was only to be expected, but somehow when he said it, the words were filled with sex appeal, caressing across my ear.

"See you." He held my head and brushed his lips across mine before I could escape.

"What are you doing?"

I shook Mew's hand off and climbed out into the road. I wiped my lips off with the back of my hand. I meant to glare at him, but my face turned bright red instead.

My brain was boiling, but when Mew chuckled and tossed off a casual 'goodnight', I felt my temperature slide back down. That sort of contact was probably no more than a run-of-the-mill prank for Mew. I was the only one who was thrown off by it.


I slammed the door shut as hard as I could and ran into the station.

Mew could touch me so easily, and I reacted so strongly. Where did those feelings come from? I was afraid to find out and tried hard not to think about it.


The Lonely Egotist (MewGulf AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt