🌞Chapter 13🌻

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I gazed down at the gently lapping water of the pool and let out a deep sigh.

"You should dry your hair too," I heard Mew say from much closer than I expected. I spun around in surprise. My vision was obscured by a soft white towel being draped over my head.

"H-Hey! I can do that myself!"

Mew dried my hair briskly, as if I were a child. I grabbed for the towel, but accidentally grabbed Mew's hand, which only frustrated me more. I tried to jerk my hand back quickly, but this time Mew held it.

"Uh---really. I can take care of the rest. Um---please."

The towel still covered my eyes, so I didnt know what expression Mew was wearing. I nervously told him to let me go, and I hurried out his grasp.

I didn't know why I was acting so awkward . I stared at the floor, agonizing. I felt like prey being watched by a predator. If he was full, he wouldn't attack me, but my nerves were on end, tuned to my enemy's movements.

"If you keep your guard up that much, I won't be able to do anything."


I heard Mew's laughing voice rain down over my head.

I had trouble understanding what he meant. I looked up and he caught my face in both hands. "Do you not understand the implications of being alone in a hotel room with a man who has ulterior motives?"

"What? But we were talking about business! Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?"

Mew was bearing down on me, his face lecherous, and I retreated in a daze, but he held my head tightly and I couldn't put any distance between us. I bent my body away, glaring at Mew, face-to-face.

"You've got enough partners that you shouldn't need to force someone who doesn't want you! If you let go of me right this second, I'll forget all about this."

I wondered what he would do if I bit him on the nose. Mew pulled his handsome face closer and I really considered doing it.


I was just about to bite him when my plans unintentionally changed. Mew suddenly released his powerful grip on my head. I had been pulling so hard against him that I felt myself flying through the air. I started falling backwards, completely defenseless. True fear coursed through my mind and I threw my arms around Mew's neck. I saved myself from falling over and breathed in relief, but when I felt arms circling around my waist. I realized the true danger I was in.

"You're enthusiasctic, aren't you?" Mew whispered with a laugh, clinging to me.

Enthusiastic?! What in the world made him come up with a word like that in a situation like this? I writhed, struggling to break out of Mew's arms. I was a pretty powerful guy, so I didn't think it would be easy for him to stop me from resisting, but his grip made it impossible so much to move a muscle. I remembered my dream about being smothered by a huge snake.

"Let me go! This is going way too far!"

I lashed out at him, but Mew's aloof expression never faltered.

"Going too far? Since when are there limits? I said it yesterday, but this is the first time anyone's ever acted so disgusted by me. It just makes me want you more, Gulf."

"How can you be so arrogant? You're disgusting! You think you're so irresistible?!"

I was completely naked under the terry cloth bathrobe. That thought made me uncomfortably aware of Mew's hands on my back and hip. I kept talking trying to hide the fact that I was blushing. Even I had no idea what I was saying after a while.

The Lonely Egotist (MewGulf AU)Where stories live. Discover now