Chapter 3: Izuku's Standoff; Commencing Momo's Training

Start from the beginning

Izuku: Where else? To go save them. If the heroes are too scared that they might die why didn't they send stealth heroes instead? I can go and knock some sense into them.

Momo: Please don't go, Izuku! They might arrest you!

Izuku: If that happens, then it's the least of my worries. This system is already flawed enough as it is.

Momo: Then let me come with you. I want to see you kick major butt and I need to get the essentials as well.

Izuku nodded as they ran down the stairs and into Izuku's motorcycle. And they sped off the the mall.

When they arrived they went around the back, as Izuku snuck in through one of the backdoors in the food court. There was a villain walking around making sure that no heroes would use their theatrics and that no civilians escapes.

The heroes and the villains were at a stale mate since he had a hostage. One of the heroes leaned in to the chief of police's air and asked him a question.

???: Where is the guy you called?

Chief: He'll be here.

???: Bullshit.

Cop 1: Hey! Gambit will here soon. Just wait. Your sorry ass will wish you didn't doubt the chief.

Inside the mall, Izuku crouched his way around and closed the villain's mouth shut with his hand as he slowly lost consciousness. Izuku grabbed a pair of quirk erasing handcuffs and restrained him. He saw another villain enter the restroom as he slowly followed him after. He waited patiently just outside the male restroom door in the corner as the lowlife came out and Izuku knocked him out and cuffed him as well.

Momo, meanwhile, was watching Izuku sneak around like a thief in the night. He did it with such ease. He didn't attract any attention from anyone.

Izuku was still amazed at how well thought out this was. The next villain he targeted just entered a Victoria's Secret as she entered and went to try on some new lingerie. Izuku entered the Victoria's Secret fitting rooms as she then entered and Izuku immediately had chloroform ready to make her go to sleep. She made no noise as he gently put her to rest.

Momo saw how he entered to the women's clothing shop and she glared. She hoped Izuku was doing anything bad in there as she spoke to herself.

Momo: Izuku better not be doing anything lewd in there.

Only 4 more villains left. One was at a jewelry store and another was at an arcade. The last two villains were outside holding a hostage.

Izuku: Okay, the jewelry store is closer than the arcade and it seems the villain in there is enjoying the games.

Izuku then climbed his way using the ledges of the walkway instead of using the elevator or stairs.

Momo was growing more and more impressed with every display of skill Izuku showed in this short span of time alone.

Momo: Maybe he can train me and we can go to UA together.

Izuku made his way to the jewelry store. His presence was undetected as the villain broke cases among cases and stuffing jewelry in a pillow case.

Izuku's mindscape: Do they not have enough money to afford the large bags like they show in the movies?

Izuku began to run at the villain as the villain noticed his presence too late as Izuku pummeled him into submission and unconsciousness as well, not forgetting to handcuff him too.

Izuku then hopped down the ledges down to where the arcade was as he saw the villain was playing Terminator: Salvation.


Izuku then grabbed a pair of boxing gloves from the winners compartment and snuck behind the villain on his tip toes. He tapped on the villain's should as he paused the game and was met with a black and blue blur to the face as was immediately knocked out from a single punch.

Izuku: I'm keeping the boxing gloves.

Izuku then grabbed his pistol and he quickly added a detachable silencer to it, just in case as he climbed to the roof of the mall and saw the villains and everyone else below him.

Momo: Izuku, what are you doing!? Get back down here!

Izuku didn't listen to her as he then jumped off the roof on the villain with no hostage. The villain didn't even see Izuku and when he landed on him, Izuku broke him. He didn't kill him just made him faint from the pain.

The villain with the hostage immediately aimed his assault rifle at Izuku as the greenette used a card from his deck and cut the gun in half as the card returned to him and Izuku began to take down the villain with ease.

Izuku: Hey, Guys! Did you like my grand entrance?

The chief and the other cops quickly ran into the mall and arrested the other villains. The heroes walked up to Izuku and began to scold him, but he didn't care.

???: Do you know how dangerous that was?

Izuku: Yep.

??? 2: You could have been killed!

Izuku: I know.

???: Do you just not care!?

Izuku: I feel the need to save others around, assholes. Now if you'll excuse me, I will be taking my leave.

The hero that looked related to wood, grabbed Izuku's shoulder only for him to be met with the cold steel silencer under his chin.

Izuku: I am an authorized bounty hunter, so that means I am not bound by your stupid morals and codes. I choose to follow them Because I do not desire to kill them even though I want to.

Izuku looked behind him and saw that Momo already had her bags of essentials as Izuku began to walk away towards her.

Izuku: See ya later.

Izuku and Momo walked to the back of the mall to where he parked the motorcycle as he revved it to life and they began to ride back to Momo's mansion.

Momo: I-Izuku?

Izuku: What is it, Momo?

Momo: I saw you today and you were so amazing! I want to ask you i-i-if you could train me!

Izuku pondered it for a bit. He looked to her.

Izuku: Sure, I can train you.

Momo smiled even more as she wrapped her arms around Izuku tighter.

Eventually, they made it back and Izuku decided he had to leave. Momo and Izuku said their goodbyes as he rode off into the sunset, with Momo still looking at him with love in her eyes.

Momo: I love you, Izuku! I will make you my husband, Izuku! I will be Mrs. Momo Midoriya! I can't for you and I to start training together.

Momo soon went off into a deep slumber. Dreaming of only Izuku, her bounty hunter and bodyguard and soon future boyfriend and then husband.

-End of Chapter-

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and as always don't forget to give my other stories some love too and as always I'll see you guys soon in the next chapter. Peace!

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