A Curse of Luck (A kidnapped story) (15) Part 1

Start from the beginning

A few moments pass in the darkness, I feel very peaceful and relaxed. But there is still something I have to say before I fall asleep.

"Will?" I whisper out to him.


"Thank you, for everything."

I manage to get out before I fall into a peaceful sleep. But not before hearing what I think was him saying,

"I should be thanking you."


Will's (pov)

I can't get to sleep after Whitney said thank you to me. I just have too much on my mind, and I honestly don't feel all that tired just confused.

I just can't get that damn demon guy that tried to take Whitney from me out of my head.

Wait, did I just think that, take Whitney from me, she doesn't belong to me.

God that's another thing that's confusing me Whitney, I keep feeling more and more protective of her. At first I thought it was just me feeling guilty for getting her into this mess, and how innocent and sweet she is.

But when I heard her calling for me inside my head, and how panic she was all I wanted to do was make her safe, and make whoever was hurting her pay.

Then seeing that guy holding her, and trying to leave with her, I got extremely pissed. He was trying to take her from me. That's what I was feeling and thinking at that time.I needed Whitney to stay with me.

Which is strange I hardly know anything about her, and I haven't been with her long enough to care this much. It kind of scares me that this one girl is having this big of an effect on me. I've only ever had myself to look out for, but now I have to take Whitney's well-being into account in every decision I make.

I turn my head to look at her sleeping form; she seems so much more relaxed. If I'm to be honest with myself, I kind of like the idea of having someone to look out for and have someone depend on me. I don't feel so alone anymore which is a nice change.

Then what that other demon said pops into my mind,

"Whitney come back here, you are not safe with him."

He had the nerve to say she's not safe with me. He bought her from an auction house or his boss did, whoever.

It's pissing me off just thinking about it, and I don't even want know what he would have done to her if he did get away with her.

What was even more unnerving is I didn't sense he was a demon till we started fighting. I'm not sure if it was because my powers come and go, or he was able to hide what he is. Either option wasn't one I wanted to think too hard on.

I don't know why I'm letting what he said get to me. Okay that's a lie I do, after he threw Whitney over his shoulder to take her a second time. I just lost it.

When I was fighting with him I was consumed with so much rage, that I can only remember bits and pieces of the fight till eventually everything went black.

Then it was like I was watching myself from inside myself, but I wasn't in control anymore. Like an outer body experience, but still inside your body. Damn I'm just confusing myself all over.

It felt more like pure instinct taking over, but I remember seeing and hearing Whitney;

"Will stop, you need to calm down."

"Please Will calm down, take a deep breath everything going to be okay, so please stop."

I was eventually able to get control back, and feel normal again. Thanks to Whitney, but I had little to no control. I could of hurt her which made what he said bother me even more. I just have to promise myself, not to ever let that happen again.

I feel morning approaching, it must be another demon trait, I can feel what time it is. I look over to Whitney, she's mumbling and rolls over to face me which I have to say is pretty cute.

I lean over to check her temperature, but her eyes start to open, so I pulled back quickly I don't want her to think I was a pervert or something.

"Will?" she says tiredly


The simple act of caring is heroic. ~Edward Albert~


Authors note: okay this is just part one I didn't want to long of a chapter so I had to split it. The second part will hopefully be out today. This one was more of their thoughts which I felt I had to be separate from the rest of the chapter. Hope you enjoy

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please and thank you

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