TWENTY-TWO | The Terminator

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( Night Shifter )

┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓THE TERMINATOR┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛( Night Shifter )

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SAM, DEAN, AND BEK were on the scene of a murder and robbery; Dean was flirting with one of the employees a of the huge jewelry story whereas Sam and Bek were actually doing their job.

    "Helena was our head buyer," the manager says as he approaches the two undercover hunters, "She — she was family, you know? She said it herself every year at the christmas party. She said we were the only family she had."

    "So there were never any signs that she'd do something like this." Bek states, glancing up at Sam. She stared at him for a moment, for the first time he wore his hair differently, with the help of Dean obviously. It was slicked back.

    "No . . . still can't believe it, even now. That night, Helena came back to the store after closing, cleaned out all the display cases and the safe. Edgar, our night watchman — he caught her in the act. He didn't know what to do. He's known for her years. He called me at home." The manager explains.

    "And that's when she took his gun?" Sam asks.

    "She shot him in the face. I heard him die over the phone." He says and shivers at the thought, although he didn't  see it happening, he heard and it left him to imagine it. "Any idea what her motive could have been?" Bek questions.

    "What motive? It makes no sense. Why steal all those diamonds, all that jewelry and then, what, just dump it somewhere? Just hide it and then go home." The manager said, frustrated.

Dean stood with the employee. "She killed herself?"

    "The cop said she dropped the hair dryer in the bath and fried herself. They should know, right?" She says.

    "Yeah. Well, thanks, Frankie. I think that's all I need." Dean says.

    "Really? I mean, 'cause i've got more, you know, if you wanted to interview me . . . sometime in private?" Frannie smirks at him. Dean stays quiet for a second and then he nods. "Yeah. Yeah, I think that's a good idea. You're a true patriot. You really are. Why don't you write your number down there for me?"

Sam and Bek are still interviewing the manager when Dean approaches them, staring at the phone number with a wide grin. "So you never saw the camera footage yourself then?" Sam asks.

"The police — they took all the tapes first thing." The manager claims. "Oh of course they did," Dean says with a soft sigh and looks up at Sam, holding up a piece of paper.

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