10 : Fight ends abruptly

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When Dana came back from her memories, Zabuza was punching Sasuke to the ground again. He stepped on him, ready to cut him in half with his sword. Her legs were so weak she couldn't move. She couldn't believe the man laughing cruelly at her companions was her big brother. She wouldn't believe what they had told her about what he had done to become a ninja back in Kiri, why she had had to flee and why her mother had been killed. The pain was too great for her to accept it. She blamed their father's blood, the demon's blood, for what had happened. It was the only reasonable explanation for it. She couldn't think otherwise. But now... He didn't seemed possessed by his inner demon at all. And still he was acting like one.

"Shadow clone jutsu!"

Naruto and his clones attacked Zabuza to help Sasuke, ending up flying in the air again. All the clones exploded but the teenager had something else in mind. He threw a big shuriken at Sasuke who sent it on the enemy. It passed the clone and aimed for the real one, who caught it easily. But an other one was hidden in the shadow of the first, forcing Zabuza to dodge it. And just when the opponent thought he had won, the shuriken suddenly transformed into Naruto, who threw a kunaï at the enemy's face, making him break the water prison that kept Kakashi prisoner and scratch the rogue ninja's cheek. The freed jônin took a hit to protect Naruto and was ready to strike back.

After that, all happened so fast that Dana couldn't keep up, her mind foggy and troubled. Kakashi hypnotized the rogue ninja with his Sharingan eye and sent an enormous wave on him. The cruel man found himself stuck to a tree while the silver-haired ninja sent kunaïs to stuck his arms to the trunk. Soon, he would strike the fatal blow. The brunette ran toward her big brother, not thinking any more, and was about to reach him when she saw needles entering his neck. The man felt on the ground, eyes wide opened, dead. His blood on Dana's extended arm felt burning. She fell on her knees next to the body and extended a shaking hand to feel his pulse. Nothing. She wanted to cry, to scream, to erase that image from her mind, but nothing came. Instead, her instinct was shouting that it wasn't true, that he wasn't dead. With her last strengths, she pushed herself to use her Kekkei Genkai to feel him. Something. A spark of light. It wasn't completely over.

She heard screams next to her, but didn't pay attention. Someone was shouting, an other one trying to calm him down. A voice talked to her. Once, twice, then a hand shook her. She finally heard it:

"Ayane? You hear me? Do you feel his pulse?"

Kakashi's soft voice was like a warm bath after all the cold pain she just felt. She shook her head.


When she rose her hand, there was a little blood on her fingers. She began shaking.

"Are you OK?"

The jônin enveloped her in his arms and she let herself go against him.

"Some complicated memories." She lowered her head, burring it in his chest. "I'm sorry. I wasn't able to do anything. It's the first time it happens to me. It's just..." But she couldn't explain where she came from or who Zabuza was for her. If there was a chance for him still to be alive, then she would meet him again, and this time, she would stop him. Then maybe she could explain. "I'm sorry." She repeated before walking away, stepping out of Kakashi's with regret, immediately feeling very cold.

A young ninja with a mask from Kiri assassination team took Zabuza's body. He was the one to send the needles into his neck. She couldn't see his eyes at all, but she could feel his burning stare on her. Curiosity. Excitement. Fear. Hope. It was all very strange. Did he understand she had a link with Zabuza? He disappeared before saying anything. And that's the moment when Kakashi's body decided to stop working. The brunette had time to catch him in her arms before he felt.

"I must have had overused my Sharingan." He said weakly. "Sorry." And closed his eyes, passed out.

Without saying a thing, Dana took him on her back to finish the trip to Tazuna's house, followed by the rest of the group, still too shaken to speak.


A little image of Kakashi because I'm sorry the romance isn't coming very fast, but you'll just have a few chapters to wait for it now

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A little image of Kakashi because I'm sorry the romance isn't coming very fast, but you'll just have a few chapters to wait for it now... Gambatte !

What do you think of the story so far ? I don't want to make the hero look too weak, but I don't want to make look too strong either.

I hope it's not too long either... It truly is a KakashixOC romance, I promise !

And last, I really hope my english is OK. I read a lot in english, but I'm not very sure to write it correctly. After all, I'm French... (Happy National Day, compatriots!)

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