1 : Meet team 7

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The day had come when they would finally meet their senseï. Of course, Dana Momochi – Dana O'hara in Konoha, Dan' or D. for her friends and "The Grimm Reaper" for the Anbu – knew almost everything about him already. But she wouldn't spoil the surprise for Naruto, even when he insisted nearly all night long. She had a policy to never lie, but that didn't mean she always answered to her adoptive brother's questions. She just told him they were things she couldn't say or explain. And with the time, he learned to accept it – but only from her. The only big thing he still didn't accept from her being the truth about their parents. The Third and actual Hokage had forbidden her – and anyone – to reveal to the boy who his parents were, to keep him safe, he said, and Dana respected his order, even if it had been really hard on her and her relationship with Naruto. All she had told him was how amazing ninjas his parents were and that they died the day the Nine Tailed Fox had attacked Konoha, to protect their dear village. She couldn't share with him her memories with them, the people they were friends with, their importance, the fact that Minato was the Fourth Hokage, that he had sealed the demon inside of him to save Konoha, and many things more. She couldn't tell him why people hated him and avoided him, she had tried, of course, but how do you explain to a child that everyone hates him for all the wrong reasons? You just can't. She was glad when he started making friends with Shikamaru and Chôji, and when Iruka began taking care of him too. She could start going on missions for the Anbu as usual without worrying too much about Naruto. But now, Konoha was at peace again with the other countries and hidden villages, and she could finally take time to gain her diplomas as a ninja, and be part of a real team.

Of course, Kakashi Hatake was late. Dana was expecting it, she knew him since she arrived in Konoha. She knew what he was doing now, and she truly felt for him. She could picture him in front of the Memorial Stone, thinking about his (maybe) team to be... What if they passed the test this time? How much responsibility that would be for the man who had lost so many people so horribly. A suicidal father after being demoted of his grade of a hero, a best friend and rival dying to save him and giving him his sharingan eye as a final gift, his teammate of forever and the one whom he finally felt in love with dying from his own hand, giving him the nickname of "Friend-Killer Kakashi", his mentor dying with his wife who just gave birth without being able to do anything to stop this... And so many more. And he always blamed himself since Obito's death. Even if there was nothing he could have done to change things. So sad, Dana thought, her heart aching. But Naruto's impatience got her attention back to the present.

"Naruto, what are you..?" She asked, face and body hidden beneath a big black cloak and a gas-mask.

"Naruto!" Sakura shrieked.

"Teaching a lesson to this latecomer senseï! That's what he gets for coming late. Surprise!" The blond boy exclaimed, getting down from the chair he was standing on.

The rest of the team, Dana, Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha, sighed. It wouldn't work. Their new senseï wouldn't be THAT stupid. And they were just thinking that when a silver haired man entered the classroom and received the blackboard eraser – covered with chalk – right on the top of his head. The unanimous stupefaction was only broke by Naruto's big laughter. Dana would have facepalmed herself if she hadn't been wearing such a big mask. Sakura tried to explain what had happened and that she had nothing to do with it. Kakashi Hatake, only one visible dark eye of his face, the rest covered with a mask and his Konoha headband, looked at his students, looking almost bored and scratched his chin pensively:

"Hmm... How can I put this?" He paused. "My first impression of this group... you're a bunch of idiots."

It calmed down everyone. Except Dana who was smiling widely beneath her mask. She jumped from her seat.

"You know how to put a good atmosphere in a team, don't you?" She declared, her soft and melodic voice turned into a harsh and guttural one because of her mask, but still, her friendly and amused tone was perceptible.

"Well, I'm the one who received a blackboard eraser on the head." Kakashi replied, almost smiling now.

"You know that's not why you said that. Not exactly." Dana knew it was of the others reaction and their inaction to stop Naruto's joke. But she didn't push further. The senseï looked at her with a curious glance.

"You are the special team member, are you?" He asked.

"Yeah that would be me!" She replied happily. Her eyes met Kakashi's one beneath her shaded glasses. Their shine reassured the senseï. There was something strange about this one, but he curiously liked it. The Hokage wouldn't say why she was assigned to his team. Just that she wasn't from the academy and wouldn't always join them on their missions and training. He didn't need to worry though, she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself. And there was something about her that made him feel like he already knew her.

"Well," Kakashi thought. "I'll see that by myself tomorrow I guess." And took his team outside to begin.

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