"Mom, can I speak to you in private" he whispered.

Hana nodded. "Of course son"

They both left the seating room to a private space to talk.

"What's going on mother?" Jungkook demanded as soon as they were alone.


"I thought you were going to help me win Taehyung over but here you are rejoicing over his marriage with Jimin"

Hana said nothing.

"Have you forgotten what you told me? If they marry, Jimin would become better than me in every way and that can't happen"

He sighed angrily. "You did nothing to help me when Yoongi found out about my affair with Taehyung"

He stared intensely at his mother. "Now all of a sudden, why does it seem like you are on Jimin's side? What exactly are you up to Mom?"

Hana laughed. "I will never be on Jimin's side. I'm only happy because my plan will soon manifest"

Jungkook was confused. "What are you talking about?"

Hana smiled. "I'm doing all this for us. All you have to do is wait patiently and tolerate everything. Soon, all will be over"

She scoffed. "Do you think I have stayed married to your father for nothing?"

She stroke his face lovingly. "You are the most important person to me and all I want is your happiness. Soon, you will have it all. Just be patient"

Jungkook didn't know what to think but the determination in his mother's eyes won him over and he started to believe she knew what she was doing. They returned to the other two and after thirty minutes, Jungkook decided to leave to get Jimin's wedding present. Just as he was about to walk out the front door, he heard Jimin calling out to him. He stopped and turned to him trying to look unapproachable.

"What do you want?"

Jimin slowly neared him and tried to smile.

" I know this is a lot and I might be asking for too much but I wish we can put all this bad blood between us"

Jungkook scoffed. Jimin continued.

"I'll be getting married to Taehyung and I wish you can support me"

Jungkook laughed. "How saintly of you Jimin..."

Jimin frowned"I'm serious. We are brothers. We shouldn't be fighting each other over Taehyung. It's not right"

He held his hand softly. "I wish we can start over and try to be much better. Yoongi isn't happy with you and that's the reason he  demanded that we get married because he doesn't trust you"

"You should try and treat him better. He's your significant other. He deserves that at least"

Jungkook didn't say anything.

"Please... can we forget everything and move forward wishing nothing but good will for each other"

He suddenly hugged him and for a moment, Jungkook felt remorse but when he remembered Taehyung, he felt bad again. He pulled away.

"Okay... I've listened to what you said and I'll try"

With that said, he left the mansion knowing Jimin was watching from behind him.


Taehyung was busy making calls when Jin rushed in with the wedding rings. He showed them to his brother and he was satisfied with it.

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