Albus put his hand on his brother's prized Firebolt broom, the second one he had been given, the one he received after Professor Chen had destroyed his first one.

James released his grip on his precious broom, totally shocked. Albus flew off as fast as he could, James Firebolt in his hand.

James did not have a mobile to call his father, but Madam Henrietta Hooch-Hepplewhite did, so he waved her over.

"Albus just told me that Cleo has been captured, and he and their Elves are following in our two Firebolts. I need to tell my father, as soon as possible!"

The Madam took out her Magic/Muggle mobile and handed it to James, who promptly called his father.

"Dad, Albus just told me that Cleo has been captured, and he needed my Firebolt so he and the Elves could follow her."

"What?! Oh Merlin; do you have any more information, James? Where were they? What were they doing? Where is he going?"

"Dad, he was panicking. That's all he told me."

"I'll be there as soon as I can, James. You did the right thing by calling me right away."


Harry, Ginny and Minerva were in the Drawing Room of Twelve Grimmauld Place. Ginny was getting ready to go to the stadium where the Harpies were playing, and Harry was going to be taking Minerva over to her grandparents before joining her when Harry's mobile rang.


"... do you have any more information, James? Where were they? What were they doing? Where is he going?"


"I'll be there as soon as I can, James. You did the right thing by calling me right away."

Harry terminated the call. Ginny was close to panicking. "Harry, Harry, what is going on?"

"Someone has captured Cleo. I don't know who, but they were going to see the Merpeople. Albus and their Elves are following, trying to rescue her. I don't know anything else, I'm off to Hogwarts right now."

Ginny started to gather Minerva's things. "I'll take Minerva over to Mum and Dad's, and then, Oh Harry, I don't know what. Maybe I will get my stringers to cover the Harpies game." Ginny was frantic, and not only for Albus. She did not know how she could handle losing Cleo either.

Harry kissed his wife, ran downstairs, and took the Floo to the Hogsmeade branch of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, which also had a small Auror/DMLE office. He ran to the Hogwarts gate, and the Department of Magical Law Enforcement guard let him in. He ran up to the front door, where James and Minerva McGonagall were waiting.

"Albus took my Firebolt!" James shouted.

"Do you know anything more about Cleo being captured, James, or what Albus was going to do?" Harry was frantic, obviously having a hard time controlling his emotions.

"Only that it had something to do with the Elves."

Harry nodded. "That makes sense. You really cannot easily take more than two people, beings, on one normal broom. I guess it makes sense to take along Frerin and Dis." Harry turned to James, shaking his head, "James, the Firebolt is the least of my worries, and it should be yours too."

"Minerva, do you have any more information?"

Minerva McGonagall shook her head no.

People were starting to gather at the main front door to Hogwarts castle. It was a perfect early autumn day, and maybe half of the students were outside enjoying the warm weather.

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