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Dear Diary, 

i've been really busy with school these past few days, work and more work and MORE. gosh, it's exhausting. so exhausting that i didn't even realize that i haven't seen or texted soobin at all until now. 

since my phone broke last week, i haven't been able to get a new one. it costs money, so i'll figure it out but for now...

i need to show up to soobin's hospital and come up with a way to apologize to him for ghosting him for almost a week. so, bye.

 i'm going to get some flowers for him in the flower shop beomgyu works at. wait, maybe he can get me a job there so i can earn enough money for the phone! yes perfect idea- um bye!



yeonjun sighed, closing his journal before putting it back in a drawer his desk had. "mom, i'm going to visit soobin. i think i'll be back by dinner" yeonjun called as he went downstairs."you better, be careful" yeonjun's mom smiled, lightly pushing him out the door. yeonjun waved goodbye before starting to walk about ten minutes to the flower shop. 

he opened the door to the small shop, pretty colors that the flowers had filling almost the whole shop. a worker turned to see who came in, "oh good. it's you" the worker sighed. "excuse me?" yeonjun asked, a bit surprised why beomgyu was being rather rude. "what do you mean by excuse me? you know what you did. whatever- you better be here for some flowers and to bother me." beomgyu sighed. 

"i am here for flowers- but now i want to know why your saying i did something." yeonjun said, "you hurt soobin hyung, you moron. just pick the floowers so you can leave already!" beomgyu rolled his eyes. "h-hurt him? is- is it because i haven't talked to him for a week?" yeonjun asked, beomgyu furrowed his brows, pulling yeonjun outside harshly. "so? is it because of that?" 

"um yes! don't you know how bad he felt after passing out on your date- or whatever you guys had, then you ghost him for no fucking reason. oh! and he has a fucking disease that is going to most likey to end up killing him by the end of this year!" beomgyu yelled, his eyes gettin teary more and more by each word he spit out. 

"oh and let's not forget about the newest addition! he's stuck in that hospital, not being able to move his legs even a bit and having to take fucking drug medicine every three hours." beomgyu said shakily almost laughing in disbelief. yeonjun blinked, not really finding the exact words he wanted to say "i-i'm sorry, my phone broke- i got so caught up in school work and i didn't even realize how- how bad this actually was-"

 "don't apologize to me. apologize to soobin hyung. i know he cares about you a lot, so seeing you would make his day ten times better."  beomgyu softly said, not realizing the tears already rolling down. "and i care about him a lot, and- i-im tired of pretending nothing bad is happening to him. because it is, it really is- so you better take care of him well, and if i ever see him cry about you again. don't be surprised if i show up at your fucking door." beomgyu said, then sighing before wiping away his tears.

he cleared his throat before opening the door for yeonjun, "now...would you like to ignore that i yelled at you and buy a some flowers for 20% off? it's a deal~" beomgyu smiled.


yeonjun nervously sighed, waiting outside soobins' room. well- hospital room. as he heard the nurse talk he shuffled in his seat. with the flowers in his hands. after a laugh from the nurse she came out of the room, allowing yeonjun to come in. yeonjun smiled at her, before standing up and breathing out nervously. he entered soobins' room, with a nervous and kind smile. soobin turned to see who it was, once he did his eyes widened "hyung?" yeonjun bit his bottom lip nervously, "hi binnie." 

"w-what are you doing here?"  soobin asked, trying to sit up the best he could with only the strength of his arms. then remembering theres a button for that on the bed. as yeonjun took a seat he then answered, "i wanted to apologize. for not talking to you after everything happened. i- i swear i didn't mean to do that. my phone broke and i wasn't able to get a new one. and i-i promise when you forgive me i'll come visit you everyday, even when i get my phone again." yeonjun sighed. 

"it's just for two weeks ri-" "three weeks now, since they're figuring out why i'm not walking but- that sounds good. i mean- you visiting me everyday." soobin said. "then is that a yes, you'll forgive me?" yeonjun asked. "it's a yes. it was only a week anyways, i-i started overthinking but! i'm not now so, it's alright" yeonjun then smiled happily, the nervous feeling just slipping right off. shortly after soobin gasped, "the dog! is the dog alright?"  

"the dog?...oh! the dog from the park, yes of course. after your mom came for you i dropped the dog off where the owners said they lived. it wasn't far." "soobin sighed in relief, "i'm glad." for a while they talked and talked til soobin had to take his medication. "this medication makes him sleepy and drowsy so don't be surprised if he falls asleep in the middle of a conversation. visiting hours are almost over anyways." the nurse whispered to yeonjun. 

after about thirty minutes, soobin was already feeling sleepy, his eyelids slowly closing every five minutes. yeonjun smiled playing with soobin's hair. "no..stop, that's just making me more sleepy." soobin yawned. "you can go to sleep, binnie." yeonjun softly said. "how will i know that you'll still be here then?" soobin asked quietly.

 "i still have to go home with my family, but that doesn't mean i won't be here everyday. i promise." "you promise you'll be here when i wake up?" "mmm, maybe after four. since i still have to go to school." yeonjun sadly sighed. "okay then, but you're still going to come see me everyday right?" soobin asked again. "i promise" yeonjun smiled.

"you're a good person, hyung" soobin whispered before drifting off to sleep. 

yeonjun sighed, taking a few seconds to see soobin comfortably sleeping. yeonjun smiled before getting his things and leaving the flowers on the counter. "night binnie" he whispered before leaving the hospital.


sleepy soobin making me sad for some reason- also hey u guys got two chapters on the same day (?) i think lmfao 

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