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Dear Diary,

so, soobin and i may be becoming best friends. soobin, taehyun, and huening are becoming friends too! no one really announces it when you are best friends, theres just one point that you know you're close enough to be best friends. we're getting there. or atleast was. 

so, turns out soobin had someone close from Ansan. a friend, he says. and guess what? with my luck that friend of his moved here two days ago! his name is choi beomgyu, he's handsome, out going and really close with soobin. It's as if he's challenging me! soobin and i were finally becoming close, and then someone he grew up with just runs in here to replace me?! maybe i'm over reacting, maybe not.

why would i be though? theres no such thing as being jealous of someone else taking your friend away, is there? >:(


"ugh!" yeonjun threw the pen to floor and roughly shut his diary closed. "ow.." he winced as he realized his hand hurt from writing so hard with the pen. his phone suddenly rang, soobin's contact name displaced on the screen. yeonjun sighed before picking up the phone, "hello?" 

"hyung, are you ready to go bowling with us? i'm excited to finally be able to hang out with all of you now that beomgyu has joined. he really want to be friends with you guys"  soobin exclaimed, yeonjun rolled his eyes as the other talked about his friend. "so, my mom is picking everyone up in about fifteen minutes alright?"

 "u-uh..yeah alright..i'm already ready" yeonjun chuckled nervously as he looked in the mirror before soobin hung up. he was definitely not ready. his hair was messy, barely woke up thirty minutes ago, hadn't showered or ate, and was in nothing but pijama pants. "geez." yeonjun rushed to the bathroom and showered as quick as possible, most of the time he took long showers but that was probably because he always had small concerts or many shower thoughts in there.

"brush..where's my brush?! oh" yeonjun sighed as he saw his hair brush right next to the towel he used to dry off. a beep was heard outside, "yeonjun-ah, soobin and his mother are waiting!" yeonjun's mom yelled from downstairs. "it's just bowling nothing!" yeonjun whispered to himself as he put on whatever clothes he saw around. he ran downstairs and out the house. "did i keep you waiting?" 

"not at all, you're alright!" soobin's mother smiled as yeonjun got in the car. "geez hyung, are you alright, why are you breathing so hard?" soobin asked, "i'm..fine" yeonjun eyes widened once he saw who was next to soobin. "hi yeonjun-ssi, nice to see you again" beomgyu smiled, greeting the older.

 ", yeah nice to see you again" "dear, tell me again where your other friends live?" soobin's mother asked. "oh- about a block away and then to the left. they're neighbors so..i can text them to wait outside." yeonjun smiled. 


"woo! you're great beomgyu-ssi!" hueningkai and taehyun clapped once beomgyu knocked out all the pins on his first try once again. "were you for real when you said that you've never done this before?" yeonjun asked, totally forgetting the grudge he was having against the younger not so long ago. "the truth, i swear!" beomgyu smiled as he sat back down. 

"choi soobin! i believe in you!" yeonjun cheered, the others following. "shut up!" soobin yelled playfully in embarrassment. "you know..i've noticed something about you, yeonjun-ssi" beomgyu whispered. yeonjun turned to look at him, confused. "soobin-hyung had went through a lot in ansan, when i first met him i never understood why he hated living there, until i saw the things that happened to him with my own eyes, but for once he actually looks happy in a place. so i want to thank you" beomgyu smiled with a smile on his face before pausing to cheer for soobin as he took out most of the pins.

yeonjun blinked, processing what the younger was telling him."oh and he's talked about you before through the phone. of course about taehyun and hueningkai too but..i think..i think you're special to him. i can't say in what way of course since i don't know all of hyung's true feelings but i mean it." yeonjun didn't exactly know what to say, who would?

"also, you're painfully obvious. you have a thing for soobin-hyung. don't think i couldn't felt your glares when i first came in here" beomgyu laughed. "don't worry, i do not and will never love soobin-hyung in that way so you can calm yourself" "w-what, i don't-" "oh my turn again!" beomgyu jumped from excitement. 

"what where you two talking about, you seem awfully nervous" soobin smiled, "i- nothing important" yeonjun smiled awkwardly.


short chapter sorry 😖 but atleast beomgyu has joined YAYY also- idk why but im falling even more for beomgyu cuz of this teehee

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