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Dear Diary,

today i'm planning to take soobin to the park and have a picnic there since he said hes never had one. reason that i'm doing this is 1st i want to see my friend happy, and 2nd next friday, he won't be able to go out for about two weeks since he said hes needs to stay in the hospital for two weeks for some treatment he can only get in the hospital.

oh and remember how i told you about that kiss me and soobin shared like two months ago? i still don't know if it was a dream or did it actually happen? if it was a dream..why would i dream about kissing my best friend?

it's not like i like him, is it?



hueningkai gasped through the phone "so what is it like a date? oh my god wait- are you guys finally going ou-" "no its not a date! and what do you mean by finally- you know what i dont care i'm already here so lets talk later" yeonjun rolled his eyes before hanging up. he sighed deeply before knocking on the door.

soobin's sister opened the door for yeonjun, "soobin your boyfriend is here!" she yelled before going back to the dining room to continue eating. "stop saying that, he's my friend!" soobin groaned before saying goodbye to his family and headed out the door with yeonjun. "i'm sorry about them hyung, let's go" soobin smiled. yeonjun agreed as they walked to the bus station.


soobin let out a breath of exhaustion as he sat down on the grass, a bit out of breath from all the walking and climbing up a hill they were currently at. yeonjun too who was breathless himself had a tired yet happy smile on his face as he laid the picnic blanket out on the grass. "there." yeonjun mumbled efore finally sitting down.

soobin then came back to reality as he realized he was zoned out watching some kids play with their dogs in the distance. "oh right- here" soobin smiled proudly, putting a picnic basket with a red and white gingham bow in front of yeonjun. "i'm guessing thats our food, very traditional." yeonjun said. "mhm" then as minutes went by and they started eating, before taking a strawberry into his mouth yeonjun then shortly after took out a journal.

he felt soobin eyeing him as he wrote more and more in the journal. "hyung- what is that?" soobin asked, getting closer to yeonjun's side to see, yeonjun shut the journal as quick as possible, surprising soobin. "sorry, i got curious. is it...your diary or something?" soobin asked with a sheepish smile, yeonjun blinked before looking back at what he wrote. "..or something" yeonjun laughed before continuing to eat one of the strawberries soobin packed for them.

as time went by they had gotten full but decided to stay longer for the sunset, as they talked while waiting a dog approached them. "oh- hello there" yeonjun blinked, surprised by the dog. soobin looked around for its owner, almost everyone had left except a couple who was a lot further away from them, who weren't searching for any dog.

"you have a collar though, are you lost cutie?" soobin asked, doing a baby voice as he petted the small dog. "his collar has their owners number, maybe we should call." yeonjun said as he looked at the small numbers on the collar. "yeah, but first can we..play with him?" the younger smiled.

"sure...just be careful. both of you" yeonjun smiled fondly as he petted the dog softly. "we will~ come on! woah- you're much more energized than sean" Soobin laughed as he saw the dog jumping around once he stood up.

"wait up!" soobin exclaimed as he quickly followed the dog. after a few minutes the sun was getting down. the lost dog barked as he wanted to play more until soobin got on his knees, feeling weak.

Dear Binnie / YEONBINDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora