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Dear Diary,

today it's soobin's birthday, i got him a gift two weeks ago. got to make sure i'm prepared heh. it's almost christmas break so i'm excited for that, a lot of koreans don't really celebrate christmas or new years, but theres seollal and thats til february..

these days its just groups of friends wanting an excuse to go out, so you would see a lot of young people with their friends on christmas and new years around. theres a lot of tourists who celebrate too. me and the others are going to seoul to celebrate new years. but for now i'm going to focus on soobin's birthday!

i'm on my way to the karaoke place he is throwing his party at. well by party its only me, beomgyu, taehyun and hueningkai but whatever. hopefully he likes my present!



as yeonjun walked near the room one of the workers said to go he heard shinee's 'sherlock' playing loudly in the room.

"from now, all stop, whomever it is. no one can leave this site. don't get nervous in this obvious scene" "go taehyunnie!" claps and yells were heard before yeonjun opened the door. as yeonjun entered he saw soobin singing beside taehyun while hueningkai clapped beside them, waiting for his turn.

"i'm already free in this secret ro- yeonjun hyung! here sing, you must know this song!"soobin smiled, quickly giving yeonjun the microphone. "uh..i- i won't miss even a single breath of yours~" yeonjun sang "the jewel of the heart that i've secretly aiming for" "beomgyu, you're the last one to arrive" soobin spoke loudly since taehyun and hueningkai were pouring their hearts out on singing. 

"yeah- sorry, heres your present!" beomgyu smiled, placing the bag on the table. "yeonjun hyung, i put yours on the table while you were singing" soobin giggled. "oh-" "OH IM CURIOUS YEAH!" taehyun and hueningkai yelled, "you guys are good! " soobin laughed in disbelief. "i know right?" taehyun said while hueningkai just smiled sheepishly. 

"i ordered some food-" "they give food here?" beomgyu gasped, "yeah, and its good!" "who brought the cake?" yeonjun asked, "oh us, we bought it from a bakery. we were gong to make one but...i don't trust hueningkai in the kitchen" taehyun said jokingly, "you were the one that kept dropping egg shells in the bowl!" hueningkai scoffed, "shush!" taehyun said, playfully pushing hueningkai away. 


"thank you for tonight guys, i loved all of the presents too" soobin smiled, hugging everyone goodbye. "oh- soobin-ah, i forgot to put this in the bag, so...heres another present i guess." yeonjun smiled, taking out something from his pocket. "it's a bracelet, you don't usually wear accessories so heres maybe your first one?" yeonjun said. 

"thank you hyung, it's really pretty. i'll make sure you see me wearing it next time we see each other. have a goodnight!" soobin said, softly hugging yeonjun. "you too, binnie" yeonjun said as soobin walked away and got into his car with a sheepish smile. "took you long enough" soobin's mom laughed.

"i'm telling you auntie, soobin has got a crush" beomgyu clapped excitedly, "we're only friends! shush  or i will personally call your mother that you've been failing here and she will send you back to ansan" soobin whispered. "soobin, be nice" "but mom-..fine" beomgyu just made a teasing smile. 

"hyung" beomgyu whispered, "yeah?" "when are you going to tell them?" beomgyu sighed, "i was going to do it today but- i..i don't know, i was having so much fun that i forget about what's really happening" soobin said, biting his lip nervously.



"bye mom, i'll be back tomorrow afternoon. i promise!" yeonjun smiled before walking out of the house and into the taxi his were waiting for him in. "its so cold" yeonjun shuddered, covering himself with his scarf. "i know, i feel like im freezing and we're not even outside." soobin whined. 

after the ride to seoul was finished it was around 7pm, "do you guys think we still have time to go eat?" beomgyu asked, rubbing his hands together for warmth. "yeah! come on im starving!" hueningkai exclaimed as he practically dragged taehyun behind him, "my legs feel frozen" taehyun dramatically cried. "thats what you get for wearing skinny jeans during winter" yeonjun stuck his tongue out. 


"come on, only an hour left!" beomgyu clapped excitedly as they went up to the hotel's rooftop. "i haven't seen fireworks since i visited my mom in the us" hueningkai smiled. taehyun gasped, grinning before whispering something to the younger. "did something happen?" beomgyu asked, taehyun nodded and signaled at the oldest two who were standing together..under a mistletoe. 

"why are you guys looking at us like that?" yeonjun blinked, looking back at soobin, who was also as confused as yeonjun was. "look up idiots" beomgyu snickered. the oldest two looked up to see the mistletoe, "'re not saying you want us to-" "we're not saying it the plant above your heads is!" taehyun said. "oh come on, it's not even christmas anymore" soobin chuckled as he felt his ears heating up against the very, very cold air. 

"so? it's still december, can't decline or else you'll have bad luck~" hueningkai cheered. "we're not going to do that so shut-" "hyung, are you saying i'm not kissable?" soobin asked, pouting sadly, yeonjun's eyes widened, "w-what no- thats not what i meant-" "im just kid-" before soobin could say that he was only joking a pair of lips pressed softly against his, stealing the gasp from him. 

yeonjun quickly backed away once he heard the other three laugh in disbelief, remembering that this was real. "i-im so sorry- god- im so dumb..seriously i'm so sorry" yeonjun practically cried as soobin just stood there, processing what had happened before suddenly bursting into laughter. 

"g-get up" soobin pulled yeonjun from the floor. "stop apologizing, it was just one kiss" soobin laughed, his hand pressing his stomach since it hurt from all the laughter. "i can't believe soobin hyung is being so calm about yeonjun hyung stealing his first kiss" "i what?!" yeonjun shrieked. "oops" beomgyu smiled. 

"stop freaking out so much its just kissing see- we do- it! all the time" hueningkai said as he and taehyun started smooching in between words. "gross! you guys are insane, sometimes when we hang out you start practically eating each others' faces and pretend we're not even here!" yeonjun yelled, fake gagging. taehyun scoffed, "aw its okay yeonjunie, one day you'll find someone to gobble up too" 

soobin and beomgyu laughed, soobin almost crying out of laughter. "stop it! you're wording it so weirdly. no more kissing topics!" beomgyu gagged. 10 minutes before 12,  everyone was just waiting and  talking with one another. "yeonjun- hyung, i need to ask something to soobin hyung. privately" beomgyu said, soobin looked back at beomgyu "do it quick because theres only five minutes left" yeonjun smiled. 

beomgyu nodded before pulling soobin with far from the others. "you texted me, what do you want to sa-" "i'm going to do it" soobin whispered, "r-right now?" beomgyu muttered. "yes. actually, just watch me" soobin whispered, beomgyu gulped as soobin cleared his throat to catch his friends' attention. 

"i- i have something to say, it's important. really important" soobin stammered. the others just looked at him waiting for what he would say. "i have an advanced heart failure that could maybe even risk my life- no n-not maybe, is risking my life." soobin said as quick as possible, his knees felt like they would have him drop to the floor at any minute. 

soobin just stared yeonjun who was still sitting down, thinking probably. while taehyun and hueningkai were just speechless but hugged soobin in a way of comfort. "hyung?" soobin called out, yeonjun then looked at him with a soft smile. "i dont know what to say to you but..i love you and i hope you're feeling okay and will for eternity" yeonjun whispered before hugging soobin gently. before they knew it, fire works were already going out. all five of them turned to look at all the colors in the sky, the loud sounds echoing. soobin sighed in relief, smiling before cuddling close to yeonjun.


so. that was chapter 5, lolz 

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