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Dear Diary,

i just came back home from school's summer vacation!!! ugh i can't wait for tomorrow too! tomorrow soobin, beomgyu, hueningkai, taehyun, and me are going to incheon city! mom said it beautiful there so for our first summer trip that is where we are going! nobody can drive yet so...soobin's sister is driving us to the bus station since she wants to go see her girlfriend that lives near the station.

OH and i started calling soobin 'binnie', i think he kinda likes it. i need to start packing too so i'll end this right now, i'll maybe write while in the bus.



"i wish i could just- you know dump everything from my bag down the stairs like they did in high school musical, but they would probably make me repeat the year for that" yeonjun laughs as he gathered his things and shoved them in his backpack. "i would feel bad for the janitor" hueningkai sighs. "true"

"oh guys- so..tomorrow? what time, three pm so we can get there at five?" soobin asked, putting his backpack over his shoulders. "yeah, three pm is a good time. we have to get going now bye!"  taehyun waved goodbye as he and hueningkai ran off. "i wonder why they're in a rush" yeonjun smiled in confusion. 

"you're forgetting they're dating, couples only makeout and go on dates so they probably went to do either of those things. or both." beomgyu laughed. soobin hit beomgyu's shoulder, "what?" "shut up and get in the car." soobin sighed as soobin's mom pulled over. "you want a ride hyung? we don't mind" 

soobin saw that yeonjun hesitated, "come on, really we don't mind"  soobin smiled pulling yeonjun in as he finally agreed. "what should i bring for tomorrow" "well..last time i went there it was windy and kinda cold and that was like a week ago" soobin said. "dang, that sucks. cold weather during summer" beomgyu added. 

"i'll bring a jacket then..oh and we're going to sneak snacks in the bus right?" "totally." soobin said with devilish smile, they all laughed a bit. 



"be safe honey!" yeonjun's mom said as she fixed yeonjun's shirt. yeonjun looked over where his friends were waiting for him in the car. yeonjun smiled sheepishly as he saw soobin staring at him. "m-mom, don't worry. i'll call you once we get to the hotel. i promise"  yeonjun whispered as he tried to escape from his mother's hug. 

"alright, i'll leave you be i don't want to embarrass you infront of your new boyfriend. soobin right-" "mom! he's- he's not my boyfriend! yeonjun whisper-yelled. "yeah yeah, go already or you'll miss your bus." yeonjun's mom smiled as she pushed him out the door. 

"enjoy your trip kids!" yeonjun's mom waved to everyone in the car. 


"be careful guys and enjoy your trip. oh- soobin, call mom once you get wifi okay?" soobin's sister said as she got back in the car, leaving the five boys in the bus station. soobin nodded and waved goodbye. "come on let's go" hueningkai exclaimed as he saw  a couple of people getting on the same bus they're taking. 

once everyone got in they got comfortable. "wow, i got lucky. i get to sit next to the choi yeonjun" soobin laughed. "i know right, sooo lucky" yeonjun nodded cooly. "boo!" hueningkai and taehyun taunted, throwing pieces of their candy wrappers at yeonjun. the bus trip to incheon wasn't so far so nobody really felt like they needed to sleep. 

after two hours everyone finally got off, "finally! my butt was starting to hurt" beomgyu sighed as he stretched. "let's go!" hueningkai yelled pulling every out to see the view of the city. "wow.." "let's go check in our hotel before it gets dark" soobin said. 


"ah- nice and cozy bed..." yeonjun sighed as he let himself fall into the bed. "theres only two beds so how about a game so we can choose." taehyun said, "rock paper scissors? first three that lose have to share a bed other two share the other." hueningkai suggested, they all agreed. "no- you two are cheating!" yeonjun scoffed as he saw that hueningkai and taehyun were the last ones. 

"you can't prove nothing! we won fair and square!" hueningkai teased as he and taehyun jumped into the bed. "it's not so bad we just have to squeeze in a bit, stop whining hyung" soobin laughed. "eh, i would be third wheeling either way." "..what?" yeonjun asked, soobin just shrugged as they all got out the door to explore the city. 


3am. it was 3am and yeonjun had woken up just because. he shuffled uncomfortably on the bed, now facing soobin. "hyung?" yeonjun heard a whisper, he looked at soobin who was also awake. "oh- binnie, you're awake. i'm sorry, did i wake you up?" yeonjun whispered back. soobin smiled and quietly said no. 

it was silent for a while til yeonjun sighed, "i need to go to the bathroom" yeonjun smiled awkwardly as he quickly got up and went to the rooms' bathroom. once he got out he looked at the bed, soobin nowhere to be seen. he then walked over at the balcony, where he saw soobin sitting on the one of the seats. 

yeonjun sat beside him and shut the door. "what were you doing awake?" soobin asked, yeonjun shrugged. "i just woke up" he said as he looked up at the moon. "..the moon is beautiful tonight" he added. soobin stared at yeonjun, confused. "y-yeah" "soobin-ah" "hm?" "if this isn't so perrsonal may i ask...why did you move here? beomgyu told me something about it but didn't really say the reason." yeonjun asked.

yeonjun saw that soobin was hesitating to reply, "it's fine if you're not comfortable, we just became friend not so long ago anyways. it's something personal too" yeonjun smiled, "no!" soobin yelled, he covered his hands over his mouth. yeonjun blinked, confused. "heh..sorry,, your my friend and i want to tell you. so i will" soobin sighed.


im sorry this chapter was kinda boring !! i wanted to make a last peaceful one before shit goes down 🏃🏃

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