Genius Brains and Hard Decisions

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Peter!"

Peter looked up to catch whoever spoke.

Seeing it was Emma Grey, a girl from his Spanish class, he smiled and waved back.

He took a deep breath while approaching the principal's office door and grasped the handle, turning it softly until it opened.

He stepped inside, pushing open the door some more, being met with the sight of Aunt May sitting on a chair in front of his principal.

Dang, they called Aunt May? What did I do?

"Hello, Mrs. Johnson," He nervously greeted, taking a seat in the chair beside his aunt

Mrs. Johnson smiled politely, clearing her throat.

She shifted her gaze to his aunt,

"I have something to discuss with you and your nephew."

May looked between her nephew and his principal confused,

"Did he do something wrong?"

Mrs. Johnson chuckled lightly,

"No, not at all. Quite the contrary, actually."

Peter let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.

Thank goodness, I'm not in trouble.

"Mr. Parker," she started again, looking at Peter this time, "We've noticed that you've had a consistent pattern of sleeping through your classes."

Peter's breath caught in his throat. He could sense May's disappointed gaze, but he decided to not look.

I thought I wasn't in trouble.

"Sorry, Ma'am," He muttered out, fiddling with his hands in his lap.

"No need to apologize, Peter," Mrs. Johnson kept smiling, "If you were any other student, you would have been assigned detention, but your teachers have informed me that you have outstanding grades in your classes."

Now Peter was confused.

So I'm not in trouble because I have good grades? That's not usually how things work...

He opened his mouth to respond, but his teacher held up her hand, silencing him,

"You score perfectly on every test, despite not learning in class. Answer this for me; are you bored in the classes you're taking, Mr. Parker?"

He squinted at her, attempting to understand her motive,

"The teachers are amazing, they even-"

"No, Peter.", Mrs. Johnson cut him off, "Are you bored?"

He peered over to his aunt, who similarly didn't appear to be following along.

"I guess, but-"

He was once again silenced by the principal's hand.

She reached into the drawer in her desk and extracted a small stack of papers.

Recognition sparked in Peter when he regarded the writing.

Wait, that's last week's test

"remember this, Peter?"

Peter snapped his eyes back up to the school's head, allowing a confused expression to wash over his face,

"y-yeah, that's last week's test, right?"

"that's correct, Peter.", she praised, "What I'm sure you didn't notice is that this wasn't the same test your classmates took."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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